Chapter 16

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"Squints did I ever tell you I love you?" I said taking a bite of my sundae. Benny's face got red and so did Squints.

We were all sitting around two table pushed together. Benny sat next to me and Squints sat across from me.

Everyone around us stopped and looked over at us.

"What?" Porter said from the left of Squints crinkling his nose.

"What?" I said back confused.

"You just said you loved me!" Squints said sounding kinda mad.

"Yeah, I do, as a best friend." I said taking a bite of my sundae right after.

Everyone else went back to eating and talking.

"I'm glad you don't love me like that. Then I'd have to break your heart because I love Wendy!" He said, his face flushing.

I stared at him for a second before bursting out laughing with Benny and Yeah Yeah who was sitting on the other side of me. Kenny, who was sitting to the right of Squints, was laughing so hard I thought he was going to piss himself.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I doubt it will ever happen." Smalls said through his laughter.

"You never know what can happen." Said Benny side glancing at me. I blushed and looked down at my sundae.

Some of the guys snickered and some of the others were still stuck in conversation.

As time went on more and more guys left. First Timmy and Tommy had to go home. Next Kenny's older sister came and found him. Not long after that Squints and Yeah Yeah went off to find Wendy.

Now it was just Smalls, Benny, Porter, and me. We sat there joking and laughing until I caught something out of the corner of my eye.

Outside the window was Mr. Stevenson. I nudged Benny with my elbow and he turned to me. We made eye contact and I nodded out the window.

He turned his head and saw him, then turned back to me.

"Nanc and I are gonna go. See you guys!" Benny said standing and pulling me up with him. His hand still gripping my wrist he pulled me away from the guys while I waved.

He pushed open the door and we caught up with Mr. Stevenson who was almost two stores down now.

"Mr. Stevenson! Wait!" I called out as the two of us ran towards him.

He stopped and turned around as Benny and I reached him grinning.

"Oh hey Ben, Nancy." He said smiling as well.

"We want to say thanks again for helping us out the other night." Benny said taking Mr. Stevenson's hand as he held it out for his to shake.

"No problem kid. Those jerks been leaving you and your friends alone?" He said shaking Benny's hand and looking at me.

"Yeah, we chased them off once and for all today. Thanks to Benny mostly." I said smiling to Benny. His hand was to his side now.

"No way." He said rolling his eyes, a smile was slowly creeping onto his face though.

"Don't be modest Benny! You saved us all from getting a pretty big ass whooping I'd say." I said punching him in the arm.

"Watch your language please." Mr. Stevenson said. He had a pretty big grin on his face though too.

"Well, I better get goin. I'll see you two kids around!" He said starting to walk away.

"Okay, bye and thanks again!" I said waving as he walked away.

"Come on, maybe we can catch a movie or something." He said taking my hand as we started to walk down he street.

"Yeah! I heard there some new werewolf movie out or something. Supposed to be pretty spooky." I said looking away to hide the blushing.

"Sounds good to me." Benny said with a chuckle.

The rest of the summer went by fast. All we did was play baseball, swim, go to movies, and play more baseball.

The summer of 63 was the best of them all, I'd never forget it and I don't think anyone else will either.

So I started this story sometime last summer. It was kinda just a fun story's then I got super into it. (Mainly at the beginning) I don't really know but I hoped you liked it if you read it because I had so much fun writing it! I thought the last couple of chapters were  a little 'eh' in my opinion but ya know, its whatever I guess. Thanks for reading and again I hope you enjoyed!

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