Ready to eat?(chapter 2)

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                      '' Are you okay?'', Rain's brother Moth asked.

                     '' No one is and no one will ever be", Rain whispered. Moth knew she was right, he was 17 years old and everything was normal for him. Moth was Rain's only sibling, and her only family member. But it was about to change.

                     TTKKK!! Something had just landed on Rain's house. Only the worst thing had happened..... a keekker had just landed on the roof. Rain screamed and dropped to the  ground crying. Moth had done the same thing exept he didn't cry. He crawled to his riffle.

                          ''Like that's gonna help.....keekkers' skin is like rock", Rain mummbled as shetried not to cry. The keekker was already taking the roof apart and and Rain started turning red. Moth was more then ready to pull the trigger. Rain already knew one of them was gonna die, she just hoped it wouldn't be Moth.

                           The keekker  finaly  broke the roof enough to peek his head inside the house. Motj started shooting but it made no difference, the keekkers skin was like rock. Rain was crying and screaming at the same time.

                                When Rain opened her eyes her brother was being taken away by a keekker and was knocked out. She was speechless,to angry to say anything. Why Moth? she thought to herself. She was alone. No family to support her, and no one could do anything about it.

                                Tears that were as cold as ice slitherred down Rain's face. She grabbed the riffle and stuck it in her mouth. don't.....we need you Rain a voice whispered to her. ''What?'' she mummbled putting the riffle aside. Nothing was there.

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