Chapter 7 | Unfair Games

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Chapter 7 | Unfair Games

"We should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls gets broken" -Taylor Swift

"HEY, you still awake?" A low deep voice broke the silence of the night as I heard the glass door to the balcony being softly closed behind me. I was standing at the balcony, glancing at the sky before Adam had joined me. A crescent moon was hanging in the sky, amidst the darkest of the night. 

Still looking at the stars in the sky, my eyes flickered to him as I realized he had took a spot beside me, resting his hands carelessly on the railings. "I was thinking about stuff..." I replied softly.

"What's on your mind?" He asked thoughtfully, eyes softening the moment they meet mine.

Wait was Adam being nice?

Letting the silence cave in after a while, I replied, "I was just thinking about all these killing we had been doing all our lives. We don't even know the reason we are killing them. They may be innocent for all we know." Taking a deep breath, I stared at Adam again, hoping he'd understand. Nodding at me, he urged me gently to continue.

Nodding back, I continued, "Worse of all, every single piece of memory of how I killed them still haunts me. The blood. Their terrified faces. Their begging. Unfair killing. All these are just unfair games... and we are the players of this game."

By the time I'm done, tears were already welling up in my eyes. Closing my eyes to stop the tears from flowing down, I tried to hold the tears back. I felt Adam edge closer to me as he placed an arm around my shoulders, offering me comfort almost immediately. "I understand. Don't think too much."

Hearing those comforting words, I turned around to face Adam as I buried my tear-stricken face in his hard chest. Wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, I sobbed silently. He seemed to be taken aback for the first few seconds but after a while, he placed both his arms on my shoulder, hugging me back. "It's okay. Cry it all out. Let it all out." He said softly, caressing my hair as squeezed me tighter.

As we stood there in the cold balcony air of the night, we hugged for a long time until I stopped sobbing. Pulling away and rubbing away my tears, I looked up at Adam as he shot a comforting smile at me. Smiling through tears, I thanked him.

"Just remember, we are in this together. In this killing mission together." He smiled, looking into my eyes.

"Let's get you to bed." He said as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pushing open the sliding door to our room and towards my bed. Waiting for me to sit on my bed before pulling up my covers, he whispered, "Good night, don't think too much." Smiling in the darkness, I replied, "Good night."

The rays of the sun entered the room through the windows, lighting up the room. Sounds of morning birds chirping filled the air as I lazily blinked my eyes awake. Rubbing my bleary eyes, my gaze falls on Adam as I remembered today was the day we were gonna start our killing.

Hopping off my bed, I made my way to Adam's one as I stood by the side of his bed. "Hey Ad, wake up." I said, pushing him gently on the arm. Moaning softly, his blue eyes slowly opened as it turned to look at me. Reaching out for his pillow, he used it to cover his face in desperate attempt to continue sleeping. Shaking my head, I tugged at the pillow until he finally gave in.

"I'm up, I'm up." He muttered softly in a deep husky voice. Smirking, I shook my head as I walked to the bathroom to wash up. Changing into a pair of jeans and a tee, I glanced out from the bathroom after I'm done changing to see Adam sauntering over his luggage to grab his new set of clothes.

Walking out of the bathroom, I proceeded to stand in front of a mirror as I combed my hair into a neat ponytail. When I'm done, Adam was already changed into a pair of jeans and a black tee. "Sit on my bed, we'll check on the information of where they are..."

Whipping out his handphone, he clicked the app to realize that The Bananas were in a forest. Deep into the forest where they must have thought no one would ever go. "We'll grab a taxi. Let's go." Adam said, placing one hand unconsciously on a hidden gun under his shirt as his eyes flickered to mine for a moment and nodded briefly.

The forest was filled with trees. Tall. Green. Little sunlight could pass through the densely packed leaves, leaving patches of sunlight on the earth below us. Brown soil sat beneath our feet as birds chirping could be heard. There was a beautiful blue waterfall, adding to the scenic atmosphere.

"This way." Adam said, still holding his phone in his hand. Branches on the soil crunching under our Nike shoes, we walked deeper into the forest. As his phone showed our location getting nearer to theirs, my heart slammed faster against my chest as I became more conscious of my surroundings. Every movement. Every sound.


Ow. So much for being conscious of your surroundings.

Rubbing my head, I realized I had bumped into Adam's shoulder. Glaring at him while massaging my throbbing head, I grumbled, "Adam, seriously? You should watch where you-"

"Im terribly sorry for being rude but you better shush or we'll die." Adam said with a tinge of harshness in his voice.

Well, I guess the evil Adam is back.

"They are close." He continued, voice softening, as if reading my mind.

Maybe not.

Walking as softly as possible as the dead leaves crunched under our foot, our eyes darted left and right as we cautiously looked around our surroundings, hands unconsciously wandering to our guns hidden under our shirts.

Shuffle... Shuffle...

Hiyaa!! Thanks so much for reading! I really hope y'all enjoy this chapter and this book (: Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! (: Feel free to recommend this book to your friends too! (:

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