Chapter 38 | Closer

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Chapter 38 | Closer

"Notice the people who make an effort to stay in your life"

This chapter is dedicated to Twenty_Nine_ for voting and reading my book consistently 😊

THANKS to my AWESOME EDITOR/ CLASSMATE Jasper p1chu1 for editing my book (chp 1 so far) 😊 Have a 🍕. 😂😂🙈

Warmth immediately filled my heart as I felt touched tears welling up my eyes. Why was I so emotional? I smiled through the happy tears in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around Adam, pulling him close as I gave him a tight squeeze. "Thank you." I whispered to him, feeling him smile behind my hair.

"No problem." He said, embracing me in his arms as he rested his chin on my head causally as I snuggled closer to his chest.

Hm, another good point of being short.

"Let me help you put it on." Adam broke the silence, reaching for the bracelet in my palms gently. Stretching out my arm in front of him, he unclasp the hook of the bracelet before wrapping it around my wrist and clasping the hook back.

I smiled before thanking him, lifting my hand up as I admired the bracelet on my wrist. It glittered slightly under the light from the yellow moon, creating a sparkling effect as I turned my wrist over and over as I admired it.

Adam laughed softly in satisfaction as he looked at my reaction towards the bracelet. I looked up, grinning at him, hinting that I loved it. He grinned back, softness overflowing in his eyes. "May I have a dance?" He asked, standing up slowly as he bowed down slightly, extending his arm towards me.

Laughing, I nodded, placing my hand in his as he guided me to the other side of the campfire where there was an empty space. Gaze locked with each other, Adam slid his hand around my waist, sending me gasping softly and causing him to smirk. Slowly, I placed on hand on Adam's shoulder as we began dancing to a slow beat.

Our feet was in perfect sync with the beating of our hearts as my nervousness slowly died down. Adam's strong hand on my waist sent shivers trailing down my legs. I looked upwards and stared into his eyes, only to see them staring intensely at me.

Heart slamming against my chest, I hoped my eyes didn't show my intense longing for him too. Too bad. Eyes were the windows to the soul.

Feeling bold, I slowly moved my hand upwards and snaked it around his neck. Resting it there, I took pleasure feeling his neck muscles tense up. Relaxing after a while, he pulled me closer until our bodies were touching, making my cheeks burn as though they were on fire.

A small smile crept onto Adam's face as he used his hand to cup my cheek, tilting it upwards till my eyes met his. Using his thumb, he gently stroked my right cheek, making me blush harder.

Ugh, I'm such a girl.

Still smiling, he used his hand to slowly trace the corners of my cheeks, seemingly aware of the race of emotions he was causing me to experience. It was one of a kind. One of the few times I had ever felt this way. One of the few times besides the times I had with Nicholas.

Focusing on the present, Adam's eyes met mine once again as he held them captive, eyes turning soft. The heat I was feeling on my cheeks was increasing getting hotter as I felt the urge to cool them down my placing my cold hands on them.

Gently, he tucked the loose strains of hair behind my ears as we continued to move slowly, side to side as we slow danced. Smiling up at him, he gave me a warm smile which sent my heart melting.

Then slowly, he pulled away from me, leaving me utterly confused.

But in the next second, he lifted his arm above my head as he twirled me around, leaving me laughing softly. Grinning, he cheekily pulled my back towards the front of his body, allowing my to feel his abs against my back.

Oh gawd, I swear my hormones were going crazy.

Blushing intensely, Adam's must've noticed as I heard him laughing from behind. Turning me around such that I faced him once again, he placed both hands on my shoulders.

"I think we'd better go slower and steadier lest someone feels... uh... over aroused." Adam winked, making me blush fiercer.

Damn, I hardly ever blush.

Pulling away slowly, he gently reached for my hands and held it tightly in his. Smirking slightly, he used some pails of water he had prepared earlier to put out the camp fire.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked, still feeling the faint burning feeling on my cheeks, making me mentally slap myself.

"No not yet." Adam slowly trailed off before reaching into his pocket, pulling out his I-Phone.

Swiping to the left, it came to the camera function. Slightly confused at first, realization slowly crept in as soon as he changed it to selfie mode.

"I want to capture this moment with you. I treasure every second of my life that I spent with you and I don't ever want to forget it. " Adam said as his eyes flickered to mine.

"Even if one day, touchwood, we go our separate ways, you will still be in my heart, because once upon a time you were all I needed, and I'm sure time wouldn't change a thing." Adam continued, making my heart flutter and melt at the same time.

"Sweet talker." I joked, touched tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around Adam's neck, squeezing him tightly. "I don't want to ever forget you too. And don't even think of going separate ways I'm warning you. It'd kill me slowly and harshly I swear."

Soft laughs erupted from Adam as he hugged me back. "I won't ever leave you. Not when I'm in the position of losing you to another guy." He smirked, making a grin form on my lips.

"Now lets capture this perfect moment. This moment we'll never forget." Adam said, pulling me gently such that my back was against his chest. "Look at the camera..."

I nodded, turning to face the camera screen. Then, in the next moment, he didn't say what other typical guys would. He didn't say "Smile" like how other people would.

This guy sure had a way with words.

"You're beautiful." Adam said smiling, making a larger grin spread across my face as he snapped a picture.

In that instant, I swear my smile was even more beautiful.

Aw my😭 So sweet🙈😍


rfyfangying MARTIIIN, no one on this planet is sweet as that rightt😭we can only depend on our bae food to make us happy☹️☹️🙈💖

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