Chapter 35 | Everything Is Blue

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Chapter 35 | Everything Is Blue

Two days passed by in a whiz and we going to fly back during midnight today. Climbing out of bed, I stretched before making my way to the toilet, washing up before changing into a new set of clothes.

Brushing my hair, I grabbed my phone with my other hand, scrolling through my messages. A text from Sarah immediately caught my eye as it sent my heart thumping rapidly, causing me to feel faint as I wobbled slightly.

Everything was gonna be okay.

Clicking on her text, it read, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!" Shocked, I stared at the message with my mouth agape as I glanced at my watch to check the date.

10 March.

My birthday.

Eyes widening, my two thumbs hovered over the keyboard as I pondered over what to reply. Deciding to keep it simple, I replied "Thank you" adding loads of hearts at the end of the text.

Placing my phone aside, I decided to make matters with Sarah and Adam clear. This way, we would have no misunderstandings and all those crap. Sighing, I slouched on my bed as my curious eyes flickered around my room.

"SURRPRRRISEEE!" Two cheery voices screamed ecstatically as my room door barged open, sending my heart flying out of my chest.

Blinking a few times, I saw Abigail and Jared carrying balloons and presents in their arms. Running towards me, they threw their hands around me and embraced me, making a smile cross my face.

Hugging them back, I squeezed them tightly. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They screamed together, handing me the presents.

"Thank you so much!!" I gushed, kissing them on the forehead as they squealed in delight.

"No don't do that, my bro will get jealous." Abigail's chirpy voice interrupted me, made me arch an eyebrow.

Chuckles erupted from the kids as I rolled my eyes. "Seriously?"

They nodded excitedly, beginning to jump happily on my bed, making me laugh softly. Speaking of Adam, where was he? My mind aimlessly wondered.

"Where's Adam?" I asked the kids as they gave the look they gave me before Abigail began speaking about Adam and I when we were sort of bickering.

"Why would you wanna know?" Jared and Abigail wiggled their eyebrows as I threw my hands up in exasperation and defeat.

"You little kids..." I muttered under my breath as laugher erupted from them once again. "So?" I prompted them to answer my question.

"That's for me to know and you to guess." Abigail winked at me, making me roll my eyes. Kids nowadays are seriously amusing.

In a bad way of course.

Giving up, I flopped down on my bed as Abigail and Jared shrieked. "Don't squash the prezzies!"

Slapping my forehead, I sat up on my bed as I facepalmed. "Better now?" I replied.

"Eh, not really... You see, your ass is kinda squashing Abigail's present to you..." Jared said matter-of-factly, making my face turn red as I blushed.

"I'm terribly sorry." I mumbled, grabbing the present as I placed it in front of me, where it was safe from 'destruction' by the 'monster', which you could guess was me.

So smart.

"Open it!" They squeaked, eyes lighting up as they begged me with puppy eyes. Nodding with a smile, I started with Abigail's present.

"This feels soft." I said as I fingered the wrapping paper, trying to guess what was inside. I wondered if it was only me who does that but oh well, I've been doing that for 18 years maybe.

Jared snorted. "Well, of course it was soft. It was practically squashed by your ass remember?"

I rolled my eyes as heat rushed to my cheeks. Chuckles could be heard from Abigail as she glared at my brother playfully, turning to me, giving me her super sweet smile. "Nah, it's meant to be soft."

I smiled back. Unwrapping the present, there was a soft toy bear inside. It was light caramel brown with dark eyes. Having furry and fluffy coat, it looked adorably cute. Squishing it, I thanked Abigail.

Proceeding to Jared's present, I fingered the gift, feeling four sharp edges. Slowly tearing open the wrapper, a white box could be seen. An excited yet nervous smile was on Jared's face as he urged me to continue opening.

Smiling, I opened the box, only to see a glass jar filled with tiny stars to the brim. Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow and more. Colorful. That's the word.

"Thanks so much guys." I gushed as tears of joy filled my heart. Warmth was practically rolling in waves in me. Enveloping them in a tight hug, I pulled them close, not wanting to ever let go of this moment.

"No problem. But do you mind not strangling us?" Two squeaky voices said, making me laugh. Loosening my grip on them, I have them a megawatt smile, only to receive a superb smile back.

"Uh oh, we gotta go. See ya later! Byee!" Abigail said suddenly as she glanced down at her watch, taking her leave with Jared as they waved at me.

Waving back, I waited for a while for them to enter their rooms before I walked out, looking for Adam. I searched every part of the hotel- but he was nowhere to be found.

And there I was, clutching onto the handrails of the balcony as I sighed. It was already 6pm and Adam was nowhere to be seen. I had asked Abigail and Jared where he was, only to be told he was busy.

I couldn't help but feel this sinking feeling in my stomach, making me feel ill. There were just like ants, biting me away. There was this stabbing feeling that stayed, making my heart ache.

Pain. Pain. Pain.

I closed my eyes to stop the tears which were forming in my eyes flow out. Blinking the tears away, I gazed at the blue sky.


Just like me.

Blue heart. Blue feelings. Blue sadness.

Everything seemed blue without him.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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