♡ A u t h o r 's N o t e ♡

197 15 43

H e y  g u y s !

{ p l e a s e r e a d t h r o u g h }
{ e v e r y t h i n g }

I'm so sorry guys but I'm gonna have to stop updating this book for a period of time as my End-Of-Year-Examinations are coming soon and I would like to fully focus on it!😭💪🏻

No, I am definitely NOT ABANDONING this book. You have my word😉

I'll be back in a couple of weeks😊

I would like to thank all of you READERS for your support! Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and following me!💖

Please add this book to your LIBRARY/ READING LIST if you like this book to receive UPDATES once I'm free again! It would mean lots to me!💕

I really hoped you have enjoyed my book so far! Feel free to give me suggestions for this book if you have any!💘

Feel free to continue to drop comments as I would love to read them all once I become active on wattpad again!🤗

Lastly, I would like to give special thanks to acediamonde AchristiA JadatheQueen RainbowManiacF cokaliciouss for voting and commenting really cool stuff💕You guys are great!!💙

Not forgetting, I would like to thank my real-life friends xxningxx Adamcheng321 Silver_chocolate rfyfangying Ken_drea_ theasshat_99   XxFaithFalconxX ElephantPancakes and my sister _RxcKZ_ & her friend JillTheOtter for reading and supporting me!😉💓

Double thanks to my Kayden ( xxningxx )and Martin (rfyfangying ) for always prompting me to keep updating💓💘

Thanks so much all my awesome READERS!!💖

I hope you guys will continue to READ & SUPPORT my book after I update again🤗

Stay awesome😎



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