Ch. 25

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Once again all our rooms have been switched. Me and Zayn are on the first floor and so are jade and Louis. Both on separate sides of the house though. Between us are Emma and Owen. Oh yeah! It's been like 4 months since the boys got back. Poor jades stuck with Louis and Owen. Sucks to be her. Emma's not that bad... yet.

So I was sleeping right? Then I started to hear things like every morning at 3 am. "Zayn." I said covering my head with the pillow.

"It's Owen." Zayn answered. Of course the sound of a fucking crying baby kept me awake again. It's always Owen so why bother getting up? He's jades son. "I'm gonna kill Louis."

"That won't help." I said. "Owens the problem."

"Yeah but it's Louis's fault."

When I was about to fall back asleep, after Owen had finally shut up, I heard an unfamiliar crying coming from the same room as Owen. Shit! What have they done!? I thought. "Zayn." I said again. "That's not Owen."

"I know, why?"

"It's Emma. Get the hell up."

"No! You!"

"Such an ass!" I mumbled as I got out of bed. I walked out to go get Emma but I didn't have to. Jesy had already been up. I guess she was used to waking up this early every morning. I still wasn't. So I went back into the room to go to sleep again.

"It's quiet..." Zayn said as I crawled into bed. "Where's Emma?"

"Jesy." I answered. Zayn knew exactly what I meant.


My room is right above the little kids room. That's not the best idea but it's the safest. I can hear them crying every morning at 3 am. Can't say they just shut up on their own and I can't say that Perrie or jade ever bother to get off their asses for their own children.

So, guess who gets up every morning at 3 fucking am? Yep, I'm the only other person who hears this. Me and Niall but lord knows he's never gonna get up if there's no food involved.

I got up this morning to go get Owen. He always wakes up before Emma. It's always Owen who cries. I'd cry too if I was stuck with Louis and jade. Emma's the good one. I think the only one who can get her to cry is Harry. Why no one trusts him around Emma.

I forget witch ones older. I think there's a day between them. I couldn't tell ya though. Ask Perrie, jade won't answer.

So I walk in the room and Owen is still crying! Oh god. I hate jade so fucking much right now. I pick up Owen and as I'm about to leave, the weirdest thing happened. No Owen didn't die; I wish. But I started hearing things I never heard. I thought that I knew what it was. It was similar to when Harry would be around Emma. So I looked back and it was Emma. That never happened.

Even Owen was shocked enough, with Emma crying, to the point he shut right up and stared at Emma. What do I do now? I thought. Then Louis came in. "Here." I said and gave him Owen. Then I went over to get Emma.

Ok, you try living with this! Dammit, how long do you think this will go on?! Help me. I need to get away from this place.

Well, I got Emma to shut up. But I could hear Owen crying still. Ether both of em didn't care or jade was asleep and Louis didn't know what to do. Owen rarely ever stopped crying. I always wondered why he cried so much. Emma didn't do that.

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