I was asleep when I heard someone outside our room. "Zayn?" I said.
"I know, I know." Zayn got up and looked out into the living room. "Louis?" I looked up but was still laying in bed. I could see Zayn and Louis talking. Then I saw jade with Owen.
I got outta bed abs went to see what jade was doing at 4 AM. "Noting." Jade said when I asked.
"Really? looks like you're leaving?"
"Well looks like you're trying to annoy me.... Louis?!"
Louis walked over followed by Zayn. Zayn stood by me. I looked at him.
(Hours later)
Louis and jade left now to go lord knows where with Owen who was still sleeping when they left.
So being that me and Zayn were awake, we sat on the couch watching tv. Then everyone started to wake up and, shit, they all end up waking up Emma to.
"I hate you all." I said when I got up to get Emma.
"I could've let her cry." Jesy calls after me.
I get Emma and start walking into the living room. In the 13 seconds I was gone Harry and Liam got into this fight. I wanted to slap both of them.
I walked over and sat by Zayn. Then put Emma on the floor. But I got scared and put her on the couch within a minute. Harry and Liam left to go fight somewhere else.
Emma crawled over and laid on Zayns lap. It was so cute! Until Jesy said that. Then Emma sat up and started to stare at Jesy. "And that's creepy." Niall said. Emma started to laugh. It was like jade used to be. So cute and adorable.
"Niall!" Jesy said. Niall had done something. Jesy looked at Emma. "Don't like Irish kids." She said.
"Jesy?" I said. She was being stupid.
"Niall!" Jesy said again. He was saying he was hungry. "Shut up!"
"You're all so annoying." Leigh said. She got up and left.
After a few minutes jade came in. She ran strait to her room. I looked at Jesy and she looked at me. Then Louis came in. "Jades not happy." He said.
"We know." Me and Jesy say at the same time both looking at Louis too.
"She came in and ran to her room." Niall said.
"Ugh." Louis jumped over the couch and sat there. Like he didn't care about jade right now.
"ER. jade ain't happy about that." Louis said. He never looked from the tv. Niall had out on football when he walked in.
"What happened to him?" Jesy asked.
"Nothin, he's just... sick I guess."
"It's not good if a baby gets sick ya know." Niall pointed out.
"Yeah but he's not really sick. I don't know, it's complicated. I'm sure none of you know what it is."
I looked at Zayn who was watching Emma on the floor. I snapped my fingers in front of him. He looked at me coming back to reality.
"I don't think you're really handling this well Lou." I said.
"Why not? I brought him there. Owen will live, hopefully."
"Louis!" Jade called. She was standing in the door way to her room. And she was crying. Perrie and Jesy got up to go to her. I looked over at Louis who was drinking again. Then I looked down at Emma and she looked up at me.