Ch. 31

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Louis was in his room now. I sat on the couch with Niall. "I hate Louis right now."

"We all do. He's an ass." We sat there in silence for a good 20 minutes. It's a new record! Niall didn't relate anything to food! Then Louis came out of his room and grabbed his jacket. As the front door opened, Niall stood up.

"Bye." I said. Louis heard me.

"Jades up." Louis said leaving.

I sat there for a minute then got up. I walked out to the garage. I wasn't really familiar with who's Keyes were who's. So I just took the one with an Irish flag on it. I'd probably get arrested for this anyway so did it matter who's car it was? I never took the test so I tech. can't drive. Oh well, Niall left with Louis for some reason.

When I got to the hospital, I saw Louis outside drinking. "She's not up yet is she?" I asked.

"No she is." He said. "But memory is a bit screwed up."

"She doesn't know you!" I laughed. Jade forgot Louis! :)


I was in the hospital for some reason. A boy came in before. I didn't loner who he was. He kept saying something about this kid Owen. Like I should have know the kid. I had no clue what he was saying though.

This other boy was with him. But the other boy never said anything. I think his name was Niall. And damn he was cute. Niall sat in the chair by my bed. Eventually The other boy left. It was just me and Niall now.

"You're quiet." I said watching him.

"Really? You think so huh?" Niall answered.

"Well, you're not talking that much.... it's ok, quiet boys are the sweetest."

"Is that so?" Niall hadn't looked up from his phone. "I didn't think you remembered me."

"I don't know Neil-"

"Niall." He corrected me. "And I think you need to see this." He showed me a picture from his phone. It was this little boy. "Owen."

"Um? Your son?"

"Yours." Niall took his phone back.

"Well I don't believe that. You're cute."

Perfect timing, this girl walks in. Niall stares at her for a while. "Hey jade." She says.

"Um? Hi?" I answered. Who was she? "I'm not sure I know you." Niall got up and dragged the girl outside. Fuck! I wanted him to be mine! DAMIT!


I take Jesy out into the hall. "Jade called me cute." I said. Jesy looked at me confused. I explained how jade didn't remember anyone not even Owen and how she says I was cute and everything that went on.

"That little bitch!" Jesy says. I stop her from going back in the room. She seamed mad. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Jesy, Jesy stop." I said holding her back. "You can't hurt her."

"Watch me." Jesy pushed me aside and walked into the room. I ran after her. Grabbing her hand, I looked away from Jesy. I didn't want to be hit. Jesy pulled her hand from mine. Then she stormed off, out of the room. Jade gave me this look like really? Her? I'm so much better. I gave her a look back that said she's not that bad. You just pissed her off.

"Niall..." jade said pausing for me to correct her but I only gestured for her to continue. "Um? Do you think that, uh, we could, maybe-?"

I cut her off. "You're cute but you're not Jesy." I said. I walked out to go see if Jesy was ok. I heard jade mumble something under her breath.

"Fucking bitch."

I rolled my eyes as walked out of the hospital. Louis was sitting on the curb with a beer in his hand. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go." I said when he looked up at me. We got in the car and drove home. I didn't see my car when we got there. That was weird because Jesy had my car.

As I walked inside my phone started ringing.


Where's Jesy? Where's NIALLS car? Who's calling Niall? Why?


~ Katie Horan

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