This one is a romantic one taking place during one of the famous Stark parties.
Another one of Tonys' parties, full of people that Bucky and Steve don't know. This didn't matter as they only have eyes for each other. Both of the boy were dressed in a shirt, suit jacket and smart trousers. After arriving and talking to Tony and Pepper for a bit the pair made their way over to the bar unaware that they were being watched by some friends aka Nat, Clint, Bruce and Sam who were giggling together. The pair sat at the bar with a drink in one hand and the other hand held by the other. They were talking with each other in their own little world about everything that has happened to them and how different the world had become over the last 70years. They were undeniably cute together, ask anyone who had witnessed them together.
The music changed to slow dancing music and after a couple of songs had played an old one from the 40s starts, "Of course" says Steve. They share a glance and at the same time say, "Tony" As if on cue, the man himself bounces up to the couple and persuades them to go dance, Bucky is all for it but Steve takes some convincing. He eventually gives in to Bucky's puppy dog eyes and they make their way to the slightly crowded dance floor. Tony joins Pepper and the other avengers to watch the dazzling couple. They dance together with Bucky leading as usual and suddenly they are trapped in their own little world again. They sway/dance together just talking, smiling and sharing small kisses.
About half way through the song Steve looks into Bucky's eyes and says, "You know what Peggy said to me after you fell? 'You're friend must have thought you were damn well worth it' If only she knew..." The song is nearing the end and Bucky gets an idea. "I'm gonna try something okay?" He tells Steve who nods telling him to do it. Bucky twirls Steve away from him and then back towards him before dipping his boyfriend, smiling lovingly at him and placing his lips to Steve's. They stay like this for about 10seconds before Bucky pulls Steve back up and into his chest. "I love you so much Stevie" whispers with his head nuzzling into Steve's neck. "Not as much as I love you Bucky" They sway until the song finishes after which they make their was over to a group of clapping avengers who are all grinning. "Bravo" Clint says to the blushing super soldiers.
They sit down next to each other on one of the sofas joining the current conversation between the other avengers about the latest Disney movies. The pair eventually zone out and become focused on each other.
"They're doing it again" Tony groans and pepper hits his arm softly, "Leave them be, it's cute" She says as the other avengers glance at the couple who had realised they had drawn some attention to themselves. Bucky leans up and whispers to Steve, "Why do we always attract their attention by doing nothing?" Steve smiles and says "Dunno Buck, cause we're so cute." They share a short kiss before getting up, saying goodnight to the others and then heading off to their shared floor in the tower whilst holding hands.
It was obvious they were smitten with each other.Hope you liked that one! Don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you thought or giving me a suggestion for another story.

Stucky? Stucky.
FanfictionStucky oneshots Fluff, smut or anything you want, If you want a certain story then pm me or something. If you want two part stories please tell me as I'm happy to do them. Other marvel characters involved Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characte...