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Steve walked down the street towards the coffee shop where he was meeting Natasha and Clint for a catch up. He wore a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of blue jeans. The sun was shinning and a lot of people were wearing shorts and vests due to the heat. He felt eyes on him, but not the usual 'oh there's captain America' but someone who didn't care about his superhero status. He kept checking and observing but he found no one watching him and thought he was being paranoid. He wasn't though.

The following week he was out on his morning run. Sam wasn't out yet so it was just him but he could, yet again, feel a pair of eyes on him. It gave him a queasy feeling in his stomach but he also felt butterflies. When he looked, there was no one there.

This happened a few more times over the next month, but then it stopped. He no longer felt the eyes on him and wasn't sure what to think.

Two months past before it started happening again, the same eyes as last time. He could just tell it was the same person. Call it an instinct. This went on for a month before it stopped again.

"Hey Steve? We are planning an avengers holiday, are you interested?" Tony asked as Steve entered the room. Clint, Sam, Thor, Wanda, Bruce, Nat and Tony were all sitting in the lounge area. Steve walked over and dropped down on the sofa next to Wanda, "Yeah I'm in, have you got an idea of where to go yet?"

"Yeah cap, we were thinking somewhere in Europe." Clint said not sure what Steve would say. "Any specific country?" He questioned. "Romania" Sam said quickly. Everyone looked cautiously at the Captain. They all knew a certain person spoke Romanian. Bucky.
Silence washed over the group for a couple minutes as Steve thought about their idea. "Sure! When do you guys want to go?"

He nervously shifted in his seat, "Steve it will be over before you know it. Don't stress it buddy."  Sam tried to calm down the super solider who was nervous about being in a normal plane. Steve breathed heavily, "Okay, just a plane" ...

The group of avengers strolled down the Romanian streets looking for a good place to grab a bite to eat. "This place looks good." They all agreed and entered a restaurant. Steve was only half there, the eyes had returned but now in Romania and it confused the hell out of Steve. The rest of the group noticed him become distant and paranoid when they were out and about but didn't say anything to him.

Across the road, there was a dark haired man watching from a cafe. He returned from America a few weeks before and he was living normally until the blond man showed up. The one he'd been watching. The one he'd read about. The one he knew all those years ago. The man called Steve.

The avengers eventually left the restaurant and wandered into a park where they split off into little groups but Steve walked off on his own. Sam, Natasha and Clint watched him walk away sadly, everyone knew what was troubling him. He missed his friend who was still alive but missing to Steve. Steve slowly walked over to a bench and sat down, he pulled an old photo out of his jacket. It was the old world war 2 photo of Bucky from the file Natasha had given him after the whole hydra inside of shield fiasco. He carried it everywhere as well as a photo of himself and Bucky after he became captain America. They remind him of the golden days in his life and the howling commandos.

Bucky followed them. He stayed out of sight of course, he had to since there were multiple spies/ assassins in the group with Steve. He knew who they were and what they could do. Bucky remembered, he remembered almost everything and took the time to learn more about Steve's new friends.
He leaned back against the railing in the park as he watched Steve look at the pictures, a tear sliding down his cheek. It made Bucky's chest hurt and he wanted to scream, he caused Steve so much pain. It was times like this Bucky stopped caring about being caught. Today it was a bad decision. From afar, the other avengers had regrouped without Steve and when looking for him, Nat spotted the brunet. "Is that? Oh my god..." She gasped not believing her eyes, she saw a trying to disguise himself Bucky watching a blond man on a bench. That man was Steve. The others quickly caught on to what she was seeing and no one said anything.

Steve's head snapped up but the man has already turned back to face the water in the other side of the railing. Steve wiped his eyes, put the picture back in his jacket and stood up. He walked over to the man and stood beside him not knowing the whole team was watching from afar. "Who are you and why do you keep stalking me?" He bluntly asked the man. Bucky gulped, "I do not know what you are speaking about" he said in a thick Romanian accent so Steve wouldn't recognise him. "Don't bullshit me." Steve spat unsure what to do.

"Watch your language Rogers" Bucky whispered. His eyes widened as he realised his mistake and he took off running. Steve ran off after him and the team also started running after them but Natasha was the only one who could almost keep up with them. Bucky ran in and out of other people apologising to them in Romanian as he ran. He ran down streets trying to lose Steve but was unsuccessful so far. He turned a corner and spotted an alleyway he could hide in.

Steve ran round the corner and stopped in front of the alleyway confused as to where the stranger had gone. Natasha appeared behind him and slipped into the alleyway without Steve seeing. Steve eventually sighed in frustration and head back to the park unaware of the two people in the alleyway.

"You can come out now." Natasha said wanting to have a chat with Bucky. He stepped out of the shadows rather confused, "Who are you?" He questioned her. "Natasha. I'm one of Steve's friends." His eyes widened, he knew he'd been caught.

Mwahaha the end. I am gonna do a part to of this as I have no ideas for stories so if you guys could send me requests that would be great thanks.

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