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Ok so this is nearly at 1k reads which is awesome and exciting!! Also I am currently working on part 2 & 3 of Watching so when I have finished them they will be posted.

Hiding things from the avengers is something not many people can pull off. And over time, Steve and Bucky became very good at hiding their secret relationship. It was especially hard for Steve as Nat was trying to set him up with people all the time. Nat knew Steve was bisexual so her dates for him would vary in gender, she sometimes tried to set Bucky up on dates too. Everyone knew he was gay as fuck but no one made the connection between the two.

No ones POV

Bucky lay sprawled across one of the sofas in the TV room in the tower. He was intently watching the music channels to catch up on the music currently popular. He was trying to focus on the weird music videos full of half naked people dancing on each other but his mind was elsewhere. He was thinking about the fun events of last night, silently thanked Steve for having a soundproof room. Yeah, that kind of fun. Bucky thought about how loud they were and the awkward situation they avoided thanks to Steve's soundproof room. He was so engrossed in his thoughts he didn't even hear Natasha, Sam and Steve come into the room. "Hey Bucky" Steve said sitting on one of the other sofas in the room, grabbing the to remote and changing the channel. Bucky extended his arms and stretched out on the sofa, his t-shirt riding up enough to to make a hickey visible on his waist. Nat was the first to notice, "Bucky what's that?" Bucky glanced down to the hickey. "A sparring bruise from yesterday, Curtesy of Steve." Steve and Sam laughed while Nat raised her eyebrow but said nothing more.

Eventually Bucky got up and walked over to the kitchen and somehow managed to spill orange juice all over his t-shirt. "Hey guys? Could one of you run to my room and grab me a tshirt?" Nat left the room and came back with a black tshirt before handing it to Bucky. When his back was turned Bucky took off his shirt not knowing the others were watching him. He lifted his shirt revealing some painful looking scratches over his back.

"Dude! What happened to your back?" Sam questioned him, nay gasped when she looked at his back and Steve looked at the ground. Bucky stuttered, "uhh parkour scratches. I need to be more careful next time." He hoped they would buy his story, he couldn't have them knowing it was Steve's doing.

Sam seemed convinced as he turned his attention back to the TV but Nat just stared at him. He kept eye contact with her not giving anything away so she eventually looked away. Bucky left the room feeling relieved and headed towards the next floor up in the tower which had a load of empty and unused rooms as he could tell Steve would follow him. A few minutes later Steve did intact excuse himself from the room and head to where he knew Bucky would be waiting.

When they began sneaking around they decided to find a room somewhere in the tower where they could have some privacy if they needed it. They had decided on room 107 on the floor above the common area for the avengers. It was perfect as they could disappear for a couple hours and the others would have no clue where they were.

Steve walked along the empty corridor with a bounce in his step. He and Bucky hadn't really been alone today limiting their affection towards each other. He opened the door and stepped inside before locking the door. Once he had locked he was immediately attacked Bucky. The brunet wrapped his arms around Steve and started placing light kisses on his neck. Steve closed his eyes and placed his hands on Bucky's hips. "You're eager." He smirked at the brunet who pulled his lips off Steve's neck. "Shut up. You're the reason Nat ain't believing me" He scowled at his blond boyfriend. "You didn't have to take your short of in front of her though." Bucky laughed, "Gotta get you excited some way. It's not like you didn't enjoy the view Mr Captain America." Steve's grip on Bucky's hips grew tighter as he pulled Bucky closer, their lips almost touching. "I always enjoy the view of you baby." Their lips connected in what some would call a perfect kiss.

A week later

All of the avengers had gone out for the day apart from Steve and Bucky. They wanted to spend the day together without the avengers for once. They were laying on a sofa in the TV room watching the Harry potter films with great enthusiasm. Every so often one of them would lean over and press a light kiss to the others lips just because they could.

They were currently watching the third movie where Harry finds out Sirius is his godfather. They weren't really paying attention though, their lips we're dancing together in sync a Bucky lay on top of Steve. Bucky unbuttoned the top few buttons of Steve's shirt and moved his lips to Steve's collarbone. He left a few hickeys there before they were pulled out of their trance by the sound of the elevator dinging. Bucky instantly jumped off of Steve and lay at the other end of the sofa refocusing his attention the the movie. Steve quickly sat up and did up all but one of the buttons on his shirt. He was unaware that there was a hickey showing.

The others walked into the room and joined the pair. Tony's eyes went straight to the hickey on Steve's neck and his eyes widened. Nat caught on but something else clicked in her brain and she realised how stupid they all had been. Tony spoke up, "You seeing anyone Cap?" A tiny smile formed on Bucky's face which almost went unnoticed. This time it was clint who spotted it. He just stood there confused. "No Tony why do you ask?"

"Wrong answer Cap, tell then, how does that explain the hickey on your neck?" Steve's face went bright red, shit, he thought. Bucky's small smile turned into a smirk which he unsuccessfully tried to hide. "Dunno what you're laughing at Barnes. I'm not as easy to trick as some of the others, no offence guys. Parkour scratches? Yeah right. Fighting bruise? Totally." Bucky was not smirking any more. In fact, his face was also starting to go red. "What are you two hiding?" Clint asked still not understanding what was going on. "They are hiding their relationships clint. Or should I say-" Nat was cut off by Bucky hand over her mouth. "Don't say it romanoff"

"God Bucky stop being so dramatic" she said shoving his hand away, "None of us will think any different of you, we already know you're gay." Bucky thought for a minute then nodded his head in agreement and laughed. "Somebody tell us what's going on!" Bruce who had been quiet the whole time whined. "Bucky and Steve are dating" Nat sighed at all the drama.
"So that means the scratch marks on Bucky's back were from..." Sam trailed off with a disgusted look on his face. Steve at this point had gone completely red and got up and just left the room. Talk about embarrassment.

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