Betrayal (Part 2)

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Jason POV

Me and Percy had just got back from a quest and were going to see our girlfriends I walked to the Aphrodite cabin. I looked around and it seemed pretty empty, they are probably annoying campers and trying to get couples to get together or break up I thought. I decided to peak in anyway. I wish I hadn't. I wish I had walked away and waited. Maybe then I would be less heartbroken.

I walked in and saw Piper kissing Jake Mason, a stupid Hecate boy that has been flirting with her sense the beginning of Western Civilization.

I don't loose my cool a lot but this done it oh boy, did this do it!


"What do you mean your girlfriend" Jake replied

"She has been mine since you left her, stupid get a brain and use it".

Piper snorted and didn't look the least bit shocked.

"Fine keep her Jake" I said

"Cause me and you Piper are through"

I then zapped Jake unconscious and left a shocked Piper. I have no clue why she was shocked did she think I would really stay with her after she cheated. No way, not me. I went to the pavilion after I cleaned up and had some Nectar.

When I entered I got screamed and shouted at by all the people I called friends, and a smug looking Piper acting all sad, getting comforted by Jake her new boyfriend. Leo yelled at me for betraying Piper and made it very clear that I shouldn't have by burning me with fire. Thalia said I was a rotten boy and disowned me as a brother. I was so upset so shocked I ran out and straight into my cabin to think what do I do now. I finally decided to pack and leave their was nothing here for me now.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°

I got to the camp border and saw Percy coming out of the woods with a tear streaked face.

"Percy, what happened", I asked.

"Annabeth" he responded.

And proceeded to tell me everything that had happened and in return I told him what happened to me and he asked if we could go together and I agreed so on that note we left our once home.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°

As we were walking we were all of a sudden engulfed in a bright flash, when it cleared the stood in the throne room of Olympus facing 14 giant powerful people.

"Perseus Jackson and Jason Grace we have heard what you have done, you have terrorized the campers, crushed your girlfriends, and are being tried right now for the murder of Sally and Paul Blofis." Zeus boomed.

I looked at Percy he had fresh tears coming out of his eyes and looked about ready to collapse at this new news.

"I hereby disown Percy Jackson as my son no son of mine would do such a horrific act", Poseidon said disgusted.

Percy would have collapse if I didn't grab him, he was crying but not making any noise he stood up right and faced everyone.

"I also hereby decree Jason grace no longer my son", Zeus thundered.

"How do you plea to the murder of Sally and Paul Blofis?"

"Not guilty", We responded.

"All in favor of them guilty" 9 hands rose.

Only Apollo, Hestia, Hermes, Artemis, and Hades kept their hands down.

Zeus smirked "Well time to die"

and before we could blink we got hit By the master bolt. My last thought as the pain went through me was at least I have a chance at Elysium.

A/N OMG  finally I am done with that chapter ughhh... 600 and a few more words I have so many ideas for the chapters but ah las I am not their yet. And I KNOW Jason is roman but is is 2:41 A.M and I am not fixing it I am want sleepp..... craving bacon ughhhh.... Anyway I though I should give my readers a name I don't know......hmm.... O.M.l THE CUDDLERS YESSS YESSS okie and that you for reading I hoped you liked it and everything read comment and thank you once again my cuddlers for reading and I really don't care if it is not a word or it is just misspelled is you read this story then you are one;) yourrrr weelllcoommme like I said before I hate grammar but I want this to not be that bad and for people to like it * yawn* I need sleep thank you for reading cuddlers and I guess my A/N's will never be short *sigh* sorry? Whatever sees ya later ( also I hate piper like despise her so she might not be in the story long ) *COUGH* hint.hint *COUGH*


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