Chaos and His Army

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Percy POV

When Zeus hit me with the master bolt my last thought was mom and Paul here I come. Well that's not what happened. What happened was I woke up in no pain but I was sore and I was getting cuddled by someone. I turned my head and was met with none other than Jason Grace. I did a double take I had never been so up close to his face before he was good looking I would give him that...

Then the doors opened and in walked a man that radiated power when he saw me awake he rushed over.

"Finally you are awake it's been 2 weeks Perseus Jackson" the man spoke.

He had a deep rich voice. I totally ignored the 2 weeks part and asked who he was.

"Oh, I'm Chaos creator of the universe" Chaos replied.

I tried to bow but a growl erupted from Jason when I tried to move. My face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Chaos laughed "Guess we better not wake your friend up"

Then he got serious "Percy I need to know if you and Jason would like to be apart of my army" he said seriously.

"What have I got to lose I've already lost everyone except Jason and maybe Nico" I replied.

He nodded then looked at Jason I started shaking him until he finally woke up. Jason accepted to.

"Wonderful now you two get back to sleep you have almost recovered fully from your injuries, and sorry about the bed sharing we only had one left" Chaos said rubbing his neck.

Jason had already went back to sleep cuddling Percy.

"It's okay Lord Chaos"

Before Chaos could respond Percy had already went to the realm of Morpheus.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°

When I woke up Jason was already awake and waiting for me to get up so we could go see Lord Chaos. We got up and put on the clothes that were laying on the bed.

We were confused of what to do until the doors opened and in walked Lord Chaos. We bowed this time and he scowled,

"Don't bow I don't like it makes me feel weird"

"Yes Lord Chaos" Jason responded

"Do not call me lord Chaos, I hate it makes feel older than I am", he scowled again.

"Anyway it is time to see what your place in the army is. First I have two spots open in high ranking that we will check out or if that isn't it we have some spots in the lower ranking, those are just soldier spots though, but don't get disappointed, if the high ranking doesn't except you one of these spots haven't been filled in 237 years, but whoever gets it will be Prince of the Universe and commander of my Army, the second spot is is the second in command of my Army. So maybe those two spots will be filled one day, or maybe today" Chaos said as we followed him out the doors.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°

We arrived in a giant room that had an oval table that was beautiful, it had galaxies swirling all over it and was the blackest of blacks. It had 11 chairs, 2 chairs were empty the other chairs all had people with cloaks. The chairs they were sitting in were all different, I'm guess it fit their personality. The seats all circled the table and their was one at the very top and two close near it. The one at the top was empty and the one closest to it was empty. Chaos led Jason to the one that was closest to the top chair.

"Okay Jason sit in this chair and we will see if it accepts you" Chaos said.

"What if it doesn't?" I asked. Chaos hesitated

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