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She cased the place for two days now. Two days was too long to be without food, but she had grown used to it. Why? Because she was homeless and a thief. If anyone asked her, she'd tell them right off the bat that she didn't give a shit. Some people out there would try to make those like her feel like they own the world for their measly two cents they put in the cups and hats every now and again. In Rabbit's opinion, they should be thankful 'bums' like her didn't slit their throats for what's in their wallets.

She grew up not caring what people thought of her, adapting an "I don't give a fuck attitude" pretty early on. That was the one thing she learned from her mother. Besides, she had to do what she had to do to stay alive. Some people choose to get jobs. She chose to take shit. It wasn't about right or wrong, it was about survival, which was the only way. Quite frankly, she'd always been like that. She always took what she wanted. Her mom was a pro at that. It was why her dad eventually cheated on her mom—with a man—and divorced her before leaving Rabbit and her older brother and moving away to Alaska. He took care of his children during the marriage, so it wasn't like she needed to steal. But she was a greedy, selfish, narcissistic, abusive whore and still is a greedy, selfish, narcissistic, abusive whore.

Rabbit wasn't perceived as a threat to most people, she passed as a bodacious beauty all around. 5"2, long hair that she kept in braids during the summer due to the unbearable heat, boldly original tattoos on display for all to see. Except she kept them covered up with a red hoodie. A black one would be better, especially at night, but the brightness of the red would definitely draw wandering eyes, which could be cause for her getting caught. It was the dauntlessness of it all. Would she get caught? Wouldn't she? The hoodie and shorts were all that she wore, with a cute little spaghetti strapped top underneath. The shorts highlighted her nice, round ass. She had a tiny frame, but the hips and booty went for days. It was that bomb-shit men that drove men crazy. Women, too. Along with the shorts, her ass always came in handy when she hunted a mark. She would smile. Wink. Or she could look bashful. Sweet. It got her a lot of things and got her into a lot of places.

For instance, she got close to one of the managers of the Olive Garden up the street. She already robbed the place twice, going unseen and unnoticed. It's why the owner, Big Mike, decided to get security cameras. Guess taking a few bucks was out of the question now. That was okay. The joint she was currently scouting was good enough. She liked the little Mexican restaurant anyway. Keith, the manager, knew her situation so he would give her chips and dip, with a drink sometimes on the house. Still, he wasn't going to expect that it was Rabbit that was about to jack him.

However, his 'rant wasn't what she was looking at in that moment. At least not anymore. No, she was looking at the lady with the short blonde hair. Looked to be in her fifties. Maybe she was a mom. Maybe a Grandma. She was sexy. She always came in—wearing simple clothes, yes—but leaving huge ass tips. The waitresses knew that so they always made sure to snatch the cash up before Rabbit could even get to it. Whores.

She wanted that money.

She. Was going. To. Get. That. Money. That evening, it was going to be hers. She had to think quick. Things were a little different though. She was with those three guys. Rabbit thought they were her grandsons. Maybe sons? She didn't look that old to be having grandchildren at the age those men looked to be. All of them were fucking hot, though.

One of them was big and tall. Looked like a surfer boy. The other one with shaggy, long blond hair looked like a surfer boy too, but she would put him maybe as a skater boy. Shit, with how delectable they looked, Rabbit would fuck both of them. But there was that other one, with the short hair. He sat at the head, close to the lady. There was something about him. He had an air of authority. Like he ran shit. What did he run? Rabbit didn't know what he ran, but he had a boss type of personality to him and that made her wet between the legs.

SHATTERED GLASS: A Shattered NovelWhere stories live. Discover now