Chapter Four

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Morning came too soon.

Of course it did. I had just gone to sleep, like, two seconds before it was time to get up. That's how it always went in my opinion.

Groaning, I stretched my body and let out a little squeal at the end, before relaxing. It was quiet, except for the soft roaring of my small portable fan. I had a ceiling fan, which was also on, but I always—always, always, always—slept with a box fan of sorts. Even in the winter. I'd have the heater on, plus my little fan. The noise from it was what helped me sleep. I couldn't stand the silence. It was deafening to my ears if I'm to be honest.

I would have probably fallen back to sleep when I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. Smiling, I turned all the way over and was met with a pair of familiar blue eyes. They were warm, laced with an unleashed anger that sometimes frightened the shit out of me.

"Morning." I mumbled.


Good God, I loved Baz's voice in the mornings. Raspy and gravelly. Sexy and masculine. It was moments like this where I found myself jealous of Cath. I ain't gonna lie. Kinda hate the bitch....if I'm to be honest, again. She really didn't know what kind of man she had in Baz, while I loved everything about him. His strengths, his weaknesses. And let's face it...he's fucking hot.

He had a brain, too. Not like one would think, though. See, Baz was smart, but street smart so to speak. To me, that was better than being book smart. Anyone could crack open a book, memorize its contents and claim to know it all. It took a special kind of person to understand the game of life and win every time, three seconds before the buzzer. Baz was like that. He was a winner to me, and he was loyal as fuck. That shit didn't come easy anymore.

Before I met the Cody's, I lived the first part of my life with a lying, manipulative, vindictive bitch. Ginelle—or "Mom" as she so desperately wanted me to call her—was her name. How could such a ugly, hate-filled person have such a pretty name? It was a part of my life's story with "Ginelle, the Wicked Bitch of the East". I'd have said West. But please, let's face it. She couldn't touch Elpheba with a ten foot pole because she was a trick bitch. The only good thing she gave me was my nickname. She constantly saw me as competition and hated me. However, when it was convenient with her, she used my 'beauty' for her gain. It was how I learned to twist and turn people to get whatever I wanted. Especially from men.

After I met Smurf, it took a great deal of coaxing from her and the boys to make me believe that she was nothing like Ginelle. Okay...maybe she was a little bit like Ginelle as far as the sleeping with different men part, but Deran told me the situation after a night of him heavy drinking.

Didn't matter. I had grown to trust her and accept her as a mother figure for obvious reasons—something I never thought would happen of course because of Ginelle. But, let me stop talking about my mom. She's not in the picture anymore so why should I continue to bring her up? How does that bitch still get me to think about her when she's nothing more than a pile of maggot shit six feet deep?

What really amazed me was how quickly I took to Baz. He never really crossed that line with me, other than touching and a bit of caressing. Maybe a tiny bit of kissing. We flirt like mad crazy. Even Cath noticed, which was probably why she couldn't stand me most of the time. Hey, it wasn't my fault her boyfriend liked how my ass looked in my shorts. Maybe she should grow one, then she'd find out just how much of an ass man Baz really was.

"Knock-knock," Baz tapped on my head.

I blinked. How did I forget he was lying next to me? "What?"

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