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(Wesley Tucker as Zane)

He sighs in defeat.

"Eat," Xavier says pushing the tray of food.

I stared at the food in front of me, and pushed it around with my spoon.

Soon the cafeteria was filled up. The table that I was sitting at was filled with guys. Yes. Guys. They were all attractive, but nothing compared to Xavier.

Whoa there.

I better chill. What is up with me? Do I find Xavier attractive? Hell yeah!

I looked at the tip of the spoon that's placed on my mouth. I looked up to see Xavier holding it up. I didn't notice that I had let go of the spoon.

I backed away, looking at him weirdly.

"Eat," he says holding the spoon against my lips.

I slowly parted my lips and ate the food. Hmm, the food isn't as bad as I thought. Oh my god! It's Alfredo Pasta!

Xavier chuckled as I stared at him with wide eyes. He knew I liked the pasta.

"You like Alfredo pasta?" I nodded still chewing.

I pushed back my glasses, as Xavier fed me again.

I'm not stupid. I can feel people's staring at me -scratch that- glaring at me. But I choose to ignore it instead. With Xavier next to me I feel safe. I mean— I'm new, so people don't know who I am.

There was other people in this table. And I still don't know they're names. Did I mention that they were all guys?

I squealed when a finger made contact to my side. Xavier. I looked at him.

"What?"I ask with my arms around myself protecting it from the tickles. Yes, I am very, very ticklish.

"Stop staring at them," he says glaring at me. My cheeks grew red from embarrassment. Xavier had caught me staring at his friends. I looked down not making any eye contacts with any of them.

I had finished eating, and there was still about twenty-minutes of lunch break left.

I still had my head down, while fiddling with the hem of my sweater.

"Guys, this is Lassie, she's new." Xavier speaks up making me snap my head up.

I smiled at them, and they smiled back, except hood guy.

"That's Beau," he says pointing to a handsome guy with dark brown eyes and a dark brown hair. With a sharp jaw line, and a smile that can make girls melt.

(Tyler Posey as Beau)

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(Tyler Posey as Beau)

"Jayden, you sort of met him before." He points to the hooded guy. He looked up for the first time, and met my eyes. He had a dark caramel eyes, with long eyelashes. I am jealous of his eyelashes. He had pink lips, that was just in a straight line, and a jaw just like Beau's.

(Sergio Carvajal as Jayden)

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(Sergio Carvajal as Jayden)

"Brad," he points to a guy who was about to take a bite out of a green apple.

He took a glance at Xavier, then me. He smiled and wave.

Why does all the guys sitting here has a jawline?! Whoa, that blue eye though.

(Colton Haynes as Brad)

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(Colton Haynes as Brad)

"And Jackson," he points to a guy who looks a bit younger than the rest. He has brown eyes and hair. Another person with a perfect jawline. And he was smiling while looking at his phone screen.

(Alejandro Lillo as Jackson)

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(Alejandro Lillo as Jackson)

"Xavier!" Someone yells. Everybody in his table looked over to the guy who yelled out his name.

He looks to be a junior instead of a senior like all the guys in the table. He has a dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, along with a jawline.

He turns towards me.

"Well, hello. Who might this pretty lady be?" He asks smiling.

I blushed at his compliment, and looked down. I felt myself being tugged towards Xavier. I looked up to see Xavier glaring at the unknown boy.

"Ooh, you finally got a girl?" He questions smirking.

"What do you want, Zane?" Brad asks.

"Oh, um. I got suspended." He rushed out.

"Again?" Xavier questions with anger in his voice.

"Well— it's not my fault that the teacher was stuck to his chair!" He exclaimed.

"It is if you glue him down," Jackson says.

"True, but still his fault for sitting down," Zane shrugged.

Xavier sighs, "Give me your laptop when you get home."

"What? No! Please, don't take my laptop!" Zane pleaded.

"Fine, give me your phone and your laptop." I grew confused. Do they live together? Are they friends? Brothers? Related? I am lost.

Zane huffed in defeat.

"Should've just given him your laptop." Jackson says.

Zane glared at him.

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