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I was baffled to see 625 notifications when I opened the Wattpad app 💕💕

Sorry for the confusion about whose the werewolf and all. So I'm just gonna clear it up in here somewhere 🌝

If you can be any mythical creature, what should you be, and why?
A unicorn. Because it's so majestic, and everyone knows that a unicorn doesn't exist, and yet they still love to believe they do exist.


After my mom and I pull away from the hug, I wiped off my tears, and walked towards Xavier with my head down low. I can hear Xavier's wolf whining at the sight of me looking sad.

I can hear Xavier's werewolf whining.

I can hear Xavier's werewolf.

I can hear Xavier in my mind! That is so cool.

I felt myself smiling at the thought.

Xavier looked at me confused, as I wasn't feeling sad like before.

As we were driving away from the house, a question flew into my mind.

I thought dad was the werewolf.

What doesn't really made any sense was why were we driving away from my house. Xavier's house is literally next door. But I guess we weren't going to Xavier's house. Maybe we're going to a secret lair.

I let out a gasp, what if we go a castle?

Xavier looked at me weirdly, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Where are we going?" I asked, breaking the silence moment.

"To my house," he says, not taking us eyes off of the road, which was good— I guess.

I nodded, even though I know he can't see me.

"Do you know why my mom lied to me?" I asked. I guess that got his attention.

"What?" He asked in confusion. I mean my mom had done nothing but be nice to Xavier, "why would she lie to you about anything?"

"That's exactly what I was about to say," I gasps.

"What did she lie to you about?" Xavier asked, reminding me that we were talking about something before I was distracted myself.

"A couple days ago my mom said something about my dad being dangerous by bringing danger to me and Damon, but then couple days later, she said she was the werewolf, and dad was the human. I jay want to know who really is the werewolf. Mom, or dad," I hit my head on the headrest of the seat, groaned frustratedly.

( I just remembered I still haven't some my hw and they are due Monday. And instead of doing it, I'm writing 😂😂)

A couple of hours passed, and I had somehow managed to fall asleep.

"Lassie, psst, wake up," my right shoulder was being shaken.

"I'm gonna kill you," I said , with my eyes closed and still not fully awake, making the phrase to sound like gibberish.

With Xavier being a werewolf, he heard every word loud and clear.

I soon felt arms going under my knees and supporting my shoulders from falling.

By the smell of the cologne, it's Xavier carrying me bridal style.

The sound of keys opening the door, and me being supported by one arm— that is resting on the back of my shoulders, and it seems like I was sitting on his leg, made the conclusion of him standing on one foot, with the other foot supporting me while he unlocked the door.

Soon I was being carried bridal style again.

Bad Boy || Xavier Where stories live. Discover now