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Thanks to @nazihahrb for helping me write this chapter!

Should I do a contest? If so, what kind?


Last night I couldn't sleep after what Xavier did. And I still need to know what Damon do to Xavier to make him like that.

What does Xavier have against Damon?

Well, what ever it is, it's going toga be to wait. I have to clean the house for my birthday.

I'm pretty sure my relatives are gonna be here, and I still gotta invite Xavier and his brothers.

In the last couple of weeks that I have been in the school, I have never made any friends other than the Normans. So I can't really invite other friends that I have not make.

I was never into big parties anyway. I have always have a small birthday gathering, so it doesn't bother me at all.

I quickly got a blank sheet of paper, and wrote;

To the Normans,
My birthday is today! I was wondering if you want to come over to my house for a small birthday party. It will be mostly my relatives, but I would appreciate it if you come over  :-)

- Lassie


I sealed the invitation, and delivered it myself. 

—wait a minute. Why can't I just tell them instead?

Oh, well.

I skipped though the house, Damon giving me weird looks, and out the door I go.

I held the letter in my hand, and looked at their house.

Alright, I can do this.

My eyes widened as an idea popped into my head.

Ding-dong ditch, I smiled evilly.

I set the letter down in front of the door, where it's sort of visible, and rang the door bell.

I ran as fast as I can right after I rang the bell.

Not a few steps later, I tripped over my own foot. Sliding on the pavement, scraping my knees and palms, I rolled over to my back laying on the Normans' property.

"Ow," I winced.

The door swing open, revealing Beau. I saw him turning around— hearing him shout, and he ran up to me with Zane trailing behind.

"Lassie, what did you do?" Beau lifts me up, and carried me bridal style inside their house.

"Wait— I can't stay. I have to go home and help my mom." I pushed Beau's hands off of me, as he set me down on the couch.

"Fine, but let us fix your wounds," Beau says.

"What were you doing anyways?" Zane asks.

"Well, it's my birthday—"

"Happy birthday!" Zane interrupts.

I smiled at him, "—today, and I wanted to invite you guys. It's not a big birthday party, just my relatives and you guys."

"I actually write an invitation, and I left it outside the door. I thought it would be great idea to ding-dong-ditch. But it's not—OW!"

We're they seriously asking me questions to distract me from the fact that they are using rubbing alcohol on my wounds?

"Sorry," Beau apologized.

"Well anyway, I'd be happy if you guys come over— you don't have to if you don't want to." I said.

"We'll go. You do live next door," Beau says.

"There. You're good," Beau had my knees wrapped in a bandage, along with my palms.

"Thank you," I said, slowly standing up. I limped towards my house, and got inside.

I groaned as I realized I still have a flight of stairs to up to.

As I got into my room, I carefully flop down onto my bed. Feeling tired, when I just got out of bed not long ago.


I woke up with a shock due to Beau jumping on my bed and screaming, "Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you Beau, but please don't make a big deal about it,— what are you doing here? I was at your place not long ago,"

"Okay, well get downstairs. We have lunch waiting and a party to plan." He said, as he was leaving the room, and closing the door behind him.

I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom.  Once I finished, went downstairs to see Beau, Damon, and mom waiting downstairs with some good looking food.

Mom came up to me and gave me a hug, "Happy Birthday my darling."

"Thanks mom," I thanked her.

"Happy birthday," Damon scream with his mouth full of food, as he came up to me and messing my hair up.

"Thank you, my wonderful brother," I said as sarcastic as anyone could possibly do. 

After we finished with our food, I went upstairs, and changed.

Soon the bell rang, and Xavier walked in with his brothers handing me gifts, and wishing me happy birthday, "Thank you guys."

In the corner of my eye I saw Xavier sniffing the air.

My relatives walked in next, handing me gifts, and wishing me,"Happy Birthday."

A gasp escaped as I saw my bestest friend in the world.


He walked in, and wished me, "Happy Birthday," while he hugged me, and kissed me on the cheek. I thanked him, and he walked inside the living room.

"You didn't tell me you were gonna be here," I pulled away a bit, his arms are still around me.

"It was a surprise," he says, hugging me again.

A loud growl was heard from some where in the crowd.


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