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Xavier shirtless (Francisco Lachowski) 🌚😍😍

What color is your room?
Pastel pink


"Why— why are you hugging me?" I asked, still hanging in Xavier's arms.

"I thought you left," he mumbles, stuffing his head to the crook of my neck.

"Why would I do that?" I asked confused, I wrapped my arms around his neck to give myself support.

"Because you didn't want to leave your mom," he sighed, finally setting me down.

"Let's go inside," he said, pulling me inside, not giving me any option.

"Damon called your phone when you were still sleeping," he broke the silence, after awhile of sitting on the couch.

"And?.." I trailed off.

"Damon—" he cuts himself off, and sighs, "I'll just call him, so he can explain it to you," he ruffles his hair, and headed out the living room probably to fetch my phone.

I waited for him on the couch, staring into spaces.

Xavier came down with my phone on his hands.

"Here, call Damon," Xavier handed me the phone, and I called Damon.

"Lassie! Thank god you called!" Damon sighed from the other end.

"No problem, what's up?" I asked.

'Put it on speaker' Xavier mouths.

I clicked it, so now it was on speaker.

"Put me on speaker," Damon says, I chuckled.

"Did that already," I said leaning back on the couch, Xavier following after.

"What ever you do, you need to stay in Xavier's sight," Damon said seriously.

"Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem. He freaked out when I was outside, out front," I chuckled, causing Xavier to glare at me.

"Of course he will! I this morning I called you, and Xavier said you were asleep, so I just told Xavier to call back when both of you are awake— anyway. Mom isn't who we thought she is," he rushed out.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked confused, along with Xavier.

"I've been living with mom, and she never done anything to me,—"

"—Because she wanted your power," Damon cuts me off.

"What? What power? Last time I checked I had no powers, just half human— not that I actually checked or anything,—"

"Lassie, focus," Xavier nudged me.

"Right," I nodded, "please explain."

"So basically, when mom isn't your mom, she's my mom. She was never had you, you're not her daughter. Look, your mom was murdered,—" my hand flew up to my mouth, and I covered it. My eyes started forming tears, and it was slowly making its way down my face.

"—by my mom. My mom and our dad weren't mates. They were best friends, and they didn't find their mates fast enough to stop them from mating with each other. Mom and dad had me, then when I was eight, this lady joined our pack, because of a mass murder that had happened in her pack. Dad found his mate— your mom. I guess they mated behind my mom's back, and she got mad. She wanted to take away the most precious thing in dad's life, that's you and your mom. It was the night when you were born she took you away from your mom, after killing her right there on the hospital bed.

"They thought your mothers' death was because of her being too weak after giving birth to you. The doctors said it was impossible since she was a royal wolf. Royal wolf are the strongest of them all. She passed it down to you—that's why mom has been taking care of you. She might have grown some feeling for you as a daughter, but her intentions are evil. She's out there somewhere looking for you," he sighs, "Xavier, please look out for her. Even though I am not her full blood brother, I still love her like a sister. I just found her, I can't loose her."

"Roger that," Xavier whispered— is that tears I see?

"Damon," I finally spoke up, my voice cracked a bit.

"Yeah," he sniffles.

"Was my mom pretty?" Damon chuckles.

"Yes, she was very beautiful, she looks exactly like you," I could see him smiling by the way he was talking.

"Lassie?" Damon called out.


"My mom— I can't even call her that—" he took a deep breath, "she coming after you, make sure you're somewhere safe and secure," he pauses for a moment, "dad want to see you," then the line went dead.

"Dad? My dad? My dad is alive?!" I asked, smiling. I looked over to Xavier, who was already staring at me.

"My dad's alive!" I grinned, and jumped on Xavier for a hug.

"Lassie," Xavier says, hugging me tighter.

"Hmm?" I looked up to him.

"I love you," he said against my head.

"I love you too," I closed my eyes, and enjoyed Xavier's cologne scent.



Whoopsies 🌚


*people starts complaining*

*purposely face plants on the ground*

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