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It was a cold night, a white she-cat with a thick gray stripe stopped, turning. "I'm worried."

A white she-cat stopped, looking at the leader, "About what?"

"Leaf-bare started a five days ago, Riverice had her kits two days ago, I'm worried about that small gray tabby. I'm worried about all of them Whispersong, Riverice seemed weak what if-"

"What if there was no more what ifs." The she-cat cut her off, smiling, "I left Ivytail with strict instructions, Ivytail was one of our most experienced queens, and if one dies she can help Riverice through it. If they live, she can help Riverice through it. Besides, it's just one night, we should get back before the sun gets up. We won't if we stay out here arguing about possibilities." Seeing that her sister was still unsure she bumped her head against hers. "Come on Graystar, you came to talk to Starclan, not me."

Graystar sighed, turning and looking at Mothermouth, the cave leading to the Moonstone. "You're right."

"I'm a medicine cat, of course I'm right." Whispersong chuckled.

Graystar rolled her green eyes, then rushed into the cave. She was instantly greeted with a musty odor that reminded her of her home in the old Thunderclan forest, now Stormclans home.

Slowing down, she hissed softly as light violated her eyes, making her close them. When she opened them she saw the Moonstone, the white glow of the stone illuminating the entire cave.

Small white flecks surrounded the stone, as if warrior ancestors of the past where all around.

Turning to the sound of pawsteps, Graystar looked at her sister, who nodded encouragingly. Turning, she padded forward, pressing her nose to the cold and rough stone.

Instantly she was plunged into a lake of pain, gritting her teeth against it, she forced open her eyes. As she did, the pain ebbed, she was in a blizzard, the cold threatening to freeze her to death.

A gray tom with darker gray specks approached her carefully, shivering against the cold, crouching on a rock.

"Of all places to meet you had to choose here?!" Graystar snarled, glaring at her father.

The late leader sighed, "I'm sorry Graystar, but this cold is just as vicious as the evil coming." His voice was suddenly serious, as well as his blue eyes.

"What do you mean Ashstar?" Graystars hostility suddenly vanished, she straightened up, her eyes glittering with curiosity and concern. "Stormclan is strong, we have many apprentices ready to become warriors and-"

"That doesn't matter! None of it matters now! A river of blood is coming! Only an icy frost can freeze it in its fury!" Ashstar snarled, pressing his belly against the freezing stone. "The rain, frost, and lion all share a bond, but when one chooses the dark path the forest will be soaked in scarlet!" He hissed, his voice like fire. "Beware of the one who hunts in the dark Graystar! Beware!" Slowly began to fade.

"Wait! I don't understand!" Graystar yowled, horrified at his words.

A sharp pain suddenly jolted her awake, her eyes instantly greeting the green glow of her sisters.

Scrabbling up, she rushed towards the tunnel, crawling through it quickly and rushing out panting.

"Graystar? What happened? Who greeted you?!" Whisperwind demanded, her eyes wide with concern.

"We have to go. Now." Graystar said shakily, turning to head home.

As she did she remembered her father's icy warning.


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