Second book?

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So I am considering making this a series, I love writing this and this is actually just my test of patience. I want to get better at writing and I'm hoping this helps. I want to know if you guys want a second book. So yeah.

To clear up any confusion, Bluehawk died of whitecough.

Some facts for this series.

Leopardclaw is a Bengal

Frosttiger and his litermates come from a long line of Siberians 

Stormysky is an american long hair

Tangledkit is a Selkirk Rex

Heatherpaw is an albino Turkish Angora. 

I was considering making Frosttiger Frostblaze but I decided against it and named him after Tigerfang. 

Darksoul is half DeltaClan, half StormClan

There are other Dark Forest Cats that will make themselves known

The speech that Oakstar made is an morphed quote to How To Train Your Dragon 2

Longclaw is a tribute to Longtail (one of my favorite warriors) 

Squirreltail is a tribute to Squirrelflight

Whispersong and Oakstar like each other but Whispersong knows she can't meet him and he respects her enough to not force her 

The best way to describe Leopardclaws and Frosttigers relationship is that Frosttiger thought she was hot and wanted some while she loved him truly and was blinded by that

Thistlepaw was named after Thistleclaw 

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