Chapter 6

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"Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather here, beneath Highledge, for a Clan meeting!"

Frostpaw groggily began to open his eyes, only to snap his head up when someone stepped on his tail.

He yowled, glaring at Smokepaw who looked at him sheepishly, "Sorry!"

Growling at his apology and out of irritation of being rudely awoken, he stood, arching his back in a stretch.

Sighing, he shouldered his way out the den, "What in the name of StarClan does she want so early?" He muttered crossly, tail tip twitching.

Chestnutpaw gave him a look but said nothing, his amber eyes cold. Frostpaw knew what he wanted to say, 'Shouldn't of been out yesterday!'

Turning his back on the tom, he looked at Graystar, who was grooming herself.

Once all cats were gathered she stood tall, "Today is a great day," She started, her voice echoing above the trees, "today is the day Heatherkit becomes an apprentice." She looked down at the she-kit. Frostpaw followed her gaze and felt his chest tighten when he saw how beautiful she looked. Her long, milky white fur was groomed, no tangle in sight, her tail was wrapped neatly around her paws and her eyes shone in the gentle light of dawn.

"Heatherkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed." Frostpaw saw Heatherkits tail tip twitch in excitement, though she kept her calm composure, "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Heatherpaw. Your mentor will be Blueheart." She looked at the blue-gray she-cat who eyes shone in excitement and pride as she made her way forward. "I hope Blueheart will down all she knows to you." She looked at Blueheart, "Blueheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Featherfur, and you have shown yourself to be reliable and to have strong morals. You be will be the mentor of Heatherpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

"I will, I promise. Both of you." Blueheart purred, looking at Graystar then at Heatherpaw and pressed her nose to hers.

"Heatherpaw! Heatherpaw! Heatherpaw!" The Clan yowled, Hawkpaw was the loudest, Frostpaw noted.

Once everything died down, Eagletalon moved forward, "Alright, Stormypaw, Hawkpaw, Thistlepaw are coming with me on DeltaClan patrol." He nodded towards the apprentices, "MarshClan has been awfully quiet as of late so I think one at sunhigh and sundown will be fine." He looked around, "Icepaw, Lionpaw,"

Thistlepaw let out a soft hiss, making the deputy cut off and look at him, "Do you have something you wish to share Thistlepaw?" He challenged, eyes narrow.

Thistlepaw shook his head though he shot a hostile glare at the golden tabby who looked smug.

"As I was saying," Eagletalon growled, "Icepaw, Lionpaw, Smokepaw, and their mentors will be out hunting."

Blueheart looked at Heatherpaw, "Let's go explore the territory okay?" She dipped her head at Eagletalon, then beckoned her apprentice away.

"The rest of you can figure out what you want to do among yourselves," he jumped down and led his patrol off, Dogclaw and Bramblestripe following.

"Let's patrol the kittypet border." Graystar said, looking at the tom.

"There's kittypets near by?" He asked, eyes wide.

Graystar nodded, "We don't normal go by there but recently we've had our paws full of MarshClan that we sort of forgot to check by. The kittypets normally don't stray over the Woodwall." She explained, "Goldenspruce, Smokepaw, Squrrieltail, come with me."

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