Chapter 4

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Moonlight poured onto the forest floor, shining on the light white-gray fur of Frostpaw.

He had snuck out of camp via the dirtplace and was padding towards the Marshclan border, excitement making his paws tingle. In his jaws was a wad of moss that he managed to steal from the medicine den. A pang of guilt stabbed his belly as he remembered that it was a Marshclan patrol that killed Sunfur but he pushed it away. It wasn't Leopardpaws fault!

He climbed up the slight incline and saw Leopardpaw sitting there, her beautiful amber eyes shining in the moonlight. "You came!" she purred, rushing over and pressing her muzzle against his, making him drop the moss ball. "How could I stay away?" He replied softly, rubbing his cheek against hers. A purr fought its way to his throat, "Wanna play catch?" He asked, backing up. 

Leopardpaws eyes narrowed playfully, "Don't cry when you lose!" She hissed, then snatched the moss ball and flung it over to him. Frostpaw leaped and caught it, and, in the air, flung out one paw, the one with moss and landed neatly on the ground, an advance move he learned that's good for owls and hawks and the very rare eagle. 

Leopardpaw obviously didn't know that move as she clumsily caught the projectile and crashed on her side.

Worry and guilt rushed through Frostpaw but quickly dispersed as he heard her laughing, "Wow! Where did you learn that move?" She asked, eyes wide with happiness and wonder.

"Every Stormclan cat learns it, we have owls on our territory and we use this move in case one tries to attack us." He explained, tail tip twitching at the thought that no other clan cat knew this move. He waited for Leopardpaw to ask him to show the move again but she dismissed it with a wave of her slick tail, "Wouldn't do Marshclan any good. Owls hate our territory." 

Purring, he stared at the she-cat before suddenly leaping on her, battering her with sheathed claws. Leopardpaw  squeaked and then surged up, pinning the tom down and locked her jaws around his throat. Growling playful, he wrapped his fore paws around her shoulders and twisted, laying on the she-cat laughing. 

Leopardpaw chuckled and licked his face, making a purr rumble in Frostpaws throat. She continued to lick him before pushing him away, "Get off fatso!" She purred. Frostpaw got up, gazing at her happily. 

The two wrestled around for a bit before Frostpaw sighed, "I have to go, I'm going on the dawn patrol." He shook dirt from his pelt and gazed at Leopardpaw with regret. 

"No, I have to go too.." She murmured softly, pressing herself to him, She stared at him for a heartbeat before pressing her nose to his. Frostpaw purred before, regretfully, pulling himself away, "Bye." He said softly, turning to head home. 

"Bye.." She replied, turning to head down the slight slope. 

Frostpaw passed a couple of ferns and rolled in them, getting the stench of Marshclan off his pelt and slipped inside camp. He slid inside the apprentices den and closed his eyes, falling asleep.

"Frostpaw! Frostpaw!" A voice made him snap his head up, "Wha...?" His vision focused and he saw Hawkpaws amber eyes looking at him, "Dawn patrol!" He said turning, with a flick of his tail, disappearing out of the den.

'Already? I'm so tired.' Frostpaw stifled a yawn as he got up and followed the tom out, Heatherkit was wrestling with Icekit, Thistlekit trying to catch Mousepaws tail. 

The three were standing at the clearing, well groomed and eyes shining. 

Graystar padded out her den then climbed to the top of it and yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join me, under Highledge, for a meeting!" 

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