Chapter 3

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Frostpaw parted his jaws in a yawn.

He got up and stretched, rolling his shoulders, and nosed his way out of the tree den. Instantly his paws felt cold. He yowled and backed up, looking at the white powder that littered the ground. 

Graystar, who was sharing a mouse with Whispersong, chuckled, "It's just snow Frostpaw!" She called, "Come here and eat with us, we're going to go battle train after this and I'm not gonna let you come back until you master at least two battle moves!" Frostpaw rushed forward, plowing through the snow, but he felt tired afterwards. He looked down at his paws and realized how low he was to the ground and growled. His long belly fur had been collecting the snow, he looked at his back and realized that snow just tangled in his fur and he hissed. 

Graystar chuckled, "Come here." She said, waiting for the tom to grab a water vole and lay down next to her, and began to groom the tom.

He purred, "That feels much better!" He groaned, then felt eyes prickling at him, he turned seeing the new addition, Hawkpaws little sister, Heatherkit, staring at him with beautiful red-pink eyes. Her soft milky white long fur was completely flat. 

He held her gaze, his heart raced a little when she held it back before turning and disappearing inside the den at Sandyclouds call. 

He looked at Graystar who was watching him, whiskers twitching in amusement, "What?" He asked blinking. 

"I think you have a little admirer." The leader chuckled, making Frostpaw duck his head down, blushing. "So what? I admired Blueheart and Dogclaw before I became an apprentice." It was true, he spent many moons watching the two train in the clearing, he watched as they seemed know what each other was going to do and dodge accordingly. He once tried to copy a move and Blueheart helped him instead of laughing at his feeble attempts. "But you admired them both, she only stares at you." Graystar pointed out, raising an eyebrow questionably. "You know, she's almost ready to become an apprentice, only two moons to go." She looked at Whispersong, who nodded in agreement. 

Frostpaws ears perked in interest, "Have anyone in mind for her and the two others for mentors?" Graystar nodded, "For Thistlekit I'm thinking Nettletail, for Icekit I'm thinking maybe Dogclaw. As for Heatherkit.. I don't know." She admitted, sighing in defeat. Frostpaw looked around then his eyes fixed on a blue-gray she-cat, "How about Blueheart?" He suggested, "She's young and brave, but she has common sense, she'd be a perfect mentor!" He offered, looking at his leader. Graystar pondered the suggestion, whiskered twitching, "I'll keep that in mind. You know Frostpaw for a cat who's only been training for three moons you are showing to be one of the most wise cats I know."

Smiling at the praise, Frostpaw nodded, "It's not much wisdom. I just think that she'd be a good mentor." He replied modestly.

"Alright lets go, this isn't the first time being at the Sandy Hallow, I expect you to be able be allot better than the first time." Graystar said, getting up, looking at him with amusement. 

Frostpaw winced, remembering how sore he was from the first adventure to the training area. That sure made him work hard to master the basics, now he was learning a few advanced moves.

He followed the leader past the Owl Tree and into the Sandy Hallow. He looked around, seeing Rainpaw looking up a frostbitten tree, his tail tip twitching in annoyance. 

"What's wrong Rain?" He asked, padding up to his brother. 

"Icekit slashed ope her paw, I remember a bird stole some dock from a patch and I managed to get it drop, but I can't climb this tree, it's to frozen." He hissed, curling his lip. 

"I'll get it, how in Starclans name did she manage to cut open her own paw!" Frostpaw bunched his muscles, springing up and digging his claws into the frozen trunk. He slid a bit but he managed to find a dry spot and push himself up. 

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