One: Crushing

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"Beautiful stranger"- Amber Liu (song)

There he was again. The guy i'm absolutely head-over-heels for. It's December- a few days before winter break. I've never even spoken to him, only took glances. For some really odd reason I feel attracted to him- not for his looks- I can't really explain it but I want to be near him and protect him. He has such a dashing smile and a permanent pinkish tint on his arms. He's in the eleventh grade while I'm in tenth. He's a junior, I'm a sophomore.

"Hey what's that guy's name? I asked my friend Chris while pointing to the guy.

"Him?" He pointed to the boy. "His name is Robin, he dragged me to rides at universal studios- when we took that field trip." He looked at me "why?"

"He's kind of cute" I blushed.

"Awe you have a crush" he teased then we continued to eat our lunch.
When the bell rang signaling that lunch was over I headed to class. As I was walking I glanced around the hallway and I saw him and his friend walking the other way, passing me. He'll never notice me right?


Once school ended I walked to my bus and saw him walking. When I got on the bus and sat by the window I saw him walking away from my bus towards another behind.

When I got home it was the same thing as always my mom would greet me from the kitchen and ask how school was. My older brother would be in front of the tv playing some game on the ps3- either call of duty, battlefield or GTA. I'll go to my room and change into gym shorts then take a nap or go on Facebook, most of the time I go on YouTube.
More boring things happen then we all eat dinner around five-thirty in the afternoon, cause honestly who wants to wait until eight o'clock?
I was never one who could fall asleep so early even if I had to be up at 6:10am Monday-Friday for school. I could never do it no matter how tired I am. Except on those days when I'm absolutely drained and nearly asleep. Every other day I would sleep around 1:00-3:30am and never really function in the mornings once I'm awake. I never wanted to be in school either, whether it was the only time I could escape home. I had shoulder-length hair because I wanted a change but then some girls would be like "you cut your hair?? Why it was so pretty!" And all that.

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