Five: Time went by fast

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Soon we were together for five months and I was starting to feel paranoid About our relationship. "If you're so paranoid why not breakup?" Right? I have no idea, I guess I got attached. A friend of mine texted him on the app and stuff, he flirted back and said things about me- he told me he was going to sleep- he probably just didn't want to talk to me, which I didn't get.. I wasn't clingy or overprotective. I didn't whine or ask him to buy me pricey things the only thing I'd ask for was a bag of chips which was $3 max. That isn't the worst part.. He was willing to take her on a date, I was shattered. Once he found out it was all fake he got mad at me and said I set him up. Yeah, I did- I got pissed as well because he would've done that while I'd be home thinking he's asleep. We almost broke up. Though we were still we stopped writing love letters to each other, I still have them all.
When everything blew over we were six almost seven months together. It was probably almost midnight or past that when we were at some beach with a small playground, it was a really small play area with tables scattered around with roofs and a long sidewalk near the fence that ran along the beach so no one would get on the rocks, I don't know. The moon was full and bright, no clouds dare cover up such a beautiful thing, shining down on us. We talked about everything that came to mind even our families, he talked about his sister and I talked about mine. We laughed- everything was okay- so we sat on a bench attached to a table and kissed. It turned into a heated make-out session and he peppered rough kisses on my neck, sucking the skin. He grabbed my thighs and them over his so I'd be sat in between his legs. We broke apart when my older brother and his "date" (a girl in my class) came near us, she had her little sister with her and my younger brother tagged along as well. Rob and I passed a huge beautiful tree by the rocks and named it woody. I love summer vacation.

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