seven: valentines & the fair

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By this time it was already February- valentines day to be exact. I bought him a big red & white stuffed dog with hearts. I was being dropped off at his house to hang out since places are usually crowded on this day and it was almost that time of month for me so I was cramping up anyway. I knocked on their front door and he let me in and immediately I was stared at by his siblings, so we went up to his room and watched two or three movies and just talked. Emotionally it was deep and saddening, physically it was 'meh' but one thing led to another and we made love- er we used protection of course cause holy hell I'm not ready for kids and can't swallow pills for my life. If I was in a life or death situation where I had to take pills to survive I'd fuckin die. Robin gave me a light brown bear with a red bow tied around his neck, it was maybe a foot shorter than I was but I love it nonetheless. Once we were downstairs-there she was staring hard at me- she had a bear that was smaller than mine and when we went outside Robin explained to me that it's for some boy named Javier or something but he didn't or isn't going to show up. It was kind of chilly and windy as hell, I was freezing and my sister was nowhere in sight even though she should've been here by now. After waiting another ten minutes in the cold (because I'd rather freeze than go back in that house with a bitter girl) my sister finally showed up and he walked me to the car by then I was already sniffling and my nose felt wet and cold. I got sick later that day.


The Fair was finally here so Robin and I were going with my best friends Alice and Erin, Alice's dad dropped us off and we walked the rest of the way to the entrance. They all walked pretty fast but once we got in and got our wristbands the first ride we went on was the fireball- the claw version. I don't understand why it's called 'The Fireball' if it's a big claw. It was really fun, we went on the pirate ship and some 12yr old blonde haired boy was looking at me- I'm 17 I don't talk to 12yr old boys so why he looked at me as if he knew me was beyond me- Whenever I looked at, talked to, or smiled up at Robin the boy always stared. That isn't weird at all. When I told Robin the boy kept staring at us, he grabbed my hand and scooted closer. Then we went on the musical roller coasters,the half tea cups one? That spins. One that was The queen of hearts themed, and some ride that had an Umbrella type thing above the ride- it spun really fast and hard. Not fun man. Then we went on the ferris wheel and we were up there for maybe three to five minutes freezing while Erin said it could be a stripper pole and we'll all fall and moving around trying to kill us. I was shivering even with a hoodie on. Robin was having a good time and so was I, we held hands a lot and ate corn dogs and cheese fries. It was the best day ever, we took pictures and did what other couples do. Alice always gave a hearty laugh and at one point Erin & Alice were dancing in line so I recorded it. By the time Robin and I left I was sneezing, shivering and coughing. But that didn't stop me from getting an ice cream cone and cheese fries. The fried oreos had to be the best thing I ever ate. Best date I've ever been on and I enjoyed every moment of it. Even when I got upset with him because he'd rather go on a ride with the chick who was with us. I honestly didn't like her. Mostly because she didn't give me a good vibe in class, she goofed off with her boyfriend and made sure i knew she was staring at me. Thank goodness i never had yearbook after that.

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