six: back to school

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Everything is good honestly. Every day he would wait for me by the library then we'd walk in hand in hand grinning shyly. We're shy if you hadn't noticed, I was still pretty insecure so I'd wear the biggest hoodies I could find or buy.

We had two classes together and goofed off a lot or hardly went to school. Soon December rolled around and we were on break until January. I did Christmas shopping and bought him a pair of joggers,shirts, and a bottle of Hollister cologne. I didn't mind buying him gifts because it wasn't a big deal for me, even if I was down to my last penny 'cause let's be honest we can't all be rich. He bought me a necklace- it's beautiful, it has a gold key and two small hearts next to it. Whether it's real gold or not I absolutely love it, to me it's perfect. His older sister wanted to make fun of my gift because he wrapped the small box in Star Wars wrapping paper, while his little sister gave me half glares or just straight up stared hard as if I'd done something to her. I truly believed everything was okay between Robin and I.

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