Two: break is over

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After we got back to school I saw him even more. The whole break was either spent inside my room or with my two best friends- who aren't friends anymore- but that's a different story that I cannot tell.
We went back to school the seventh of January- why am I including that? Well about 7 or 8 days after we got back I got on Facebook and looked him up (even though I only knew his first name- smart huh) almost immediately I noticed his profile picture. I didn't stalk his page, just sent a request. Goodness how could I forget to tell you?? Every day up until January 15 or 16- I bumped into him (accidentally on purpose) and complimented his shirts- Lame, I know. In the hall one day- keep in mind I'm shy as hell and have social anxiety- my friend and I were walking through the crowded hallway to get to our buses when he said "You're so short!" Yes, I'm not the tallest person being 5'2 but I wasn't that short. Anyway I played along and said "everyone is taller than me! Even that guy" I randomly pointed and saw it was Robin. He stared at me weirdly and I panicked, eyes wide as a deer caught in headlights and squeaked out a 'sorry' then briskly walked away.
A few days after that incident I smiled at him in the hallways and went on my merry way with a blush creeping up my neck. Knowing me- I would keep my mouth shut if I liked someone this much, I wouldn't dare tell them for the fear of being rejected in front of everyone. Growing some balls and taking a deep breath on my bed when my phone dinged- he accepted my friend request and posted on my wall saying "I've seen you around school before" so I messaged him and we talked for an hour or two. Since I don't have time to always log on or stay logged in I asked him if he had a kik- which is a texting app just different. He didn't have one but he made one so we could talk (don't want to give my number away to just anyone, plus my phone was disconnected so I depended on WiFi) so I looked up his unique username and added him, we talked for hours and hours.

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