Four:looked stupid

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We were at the table with my friends for breakfast in the cafeteria. About two maybe three girls sat with us- girls I don't know but they're friends with my friends (if they're even that now) they were talking and I was holding my boyfriend's hand on my lap minding my business, only giving small smiles to be polite. Then one of the harlots- girls* put their hand on my boyfriend's bicep and flirtatiously said "Hi" do you know what he did? He smiled, blushed, let go of my hand and put his head down. "Oh, well why didn't you do or say anything?" I don't know- guess I was hoping he would remove her hand and kiss mine. While they all laughed and smiled- only one of my friends stared at me with a look that said "Are You Okay?" I looked away from him too embarrassed to say anything to my friend. Honestly I was beyond hurt, I should've walked away and never looked back. I tried getting his attention but he wouldn't look at me.
I wanted to cry so so bad- I've been cheated on before but this felt way worse. When I got home I went to my room and cried until I fell asleep. Avoiding the problem, ignoring him. That was the day the butterflies in my stomach died.

I ended up going to school the next day because my mom kept saying "you're not staying home! Get dressed NOW." And left my door open with the light on. I tried really hard to act like everything was okay but inside I was far from it. It wasn't okay. I cried myself to sleep again. He kept apologizing but it was hard, she was a lot skinnier and prettier than me. Since then I was insanely insecure and went back to hardly eating, never sleeping more than two-three hours, no one ever noticed. Then I started missing school at least twice a week.

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