Chapter 01

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The Guitar Strings

Copyright © 2012

All rights reserved

(note: this is a fiction story, none of these events really occurred. the characters themselves are fictitious as well, with the exception of names and looks. But the ideas are mine so don't steal them please. and enjoy xx :) )

Lucy POV.

"What day are you moving?" I croaked.

"Tomorrow," She sighs.

"But you're my best friend. I won't let you leave me here alone,"I protested.

"I know, but I have to. You know my dad got a new job in New York. I'm sorry." She gives me a sympathetic smile as She pulls me in to a hug as I relax in her embrace and put my arms around her back. Before she quickly adds."Lucy, don't cry, okay? You can get through it."

"How?" I wipe the tear stains off my cheek.

"Well-" She begins but the answer never comes.

"Kristen. Your Mother is here!" My Aunt shouts from downstairs.


"I gotta go," Kristen conclude as she took out a folded paper out of her pocket and placed it gently in my hands

I opened it and saw that it was a picture of me and her when we were thirteen.

I watched as a single tear hits the old picture; and I look up to see my best-friend's green eyes red, pluffy and glassy.

"Bye." she whispers softly right before she walks out the door.

I ran to looked out the window to see my only true friend go into her mother's car and

drive away. The very moment I realized; I will never see my friend again. I mean I had friends but not like Kristen. Kristen and I been friends for nearly nine years. She help me get through a lot since my Parents car crash when I was thirteen. I had to live with my Aunt since that day. Everything just happen so fast. Everyone is being taking away from me so quickly.

"Honey?" My aunts voice carried though out the room. I didn't answer her as I sit on the edge of my bed.

"Lucy. I know watching a friend move away is hard but-" she swallows." I been through the exact same thing". She give me a small smile before kneeling in front of me.

"You would never understand," I snap, facing away from her, rolling on my side as I put my feet on the bed.

I hear her sigh, "dinner will be ready soon," She runs her fingers through my brown hair before walking out of the room.

I shifted lightly off the bed connecting my feet to the my grey carpet floor- slowly walking downstairs trying not to make a sound.

"Lucy, Dear?" She started cutting the carrots.

"Yes," I turned my attention to her.

"Could you help me out?"

"Sure." I simply responded.

"Okay. This what I need you to do. Can you first take out the trash?" She beams as she clap her hands together.

"Uh, okay," I muttered, faking, as usual, a smile, walking over to the full trash can and pulled the bag out of it." and I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it's just that I'm really in a bad mood" I stated.

"It's okay dear, when you get back I have to show you something,"

I nodded and before turning around to go outside, holding the garbage bag in my right hand while using my left to hold my Samsung galaxy. It was really warm out, not to mention that it was only september but I wish it would get little cold soon.

I put the trash bag on the sidewalk and make my way back inside the house to see my Aunt talking on the phone.

"Oh that's so wonderful..... I'm glad that you moved in to the neighborhood,"She glances towards me then darts her eyes away once she realizes how much my attention is focused on her.

"Well...yes we will be there, I will bring my niece, Lucy with me as well...." she grabs a oven mitt while talking realizing that she still needs to hold the phone to her face to continue the conversation.

"Okay...okay, bye." She finally hangs up the phone as she walks towards me.

"What's going on?" I ask quickly.

"My friend from high school moved all the way from Ireland to here" she remarks with an excited tone.

Okay..where is she going with this?

"That's cool," I mumble out loud for her to hear.

"And she only lives a few blocks down from us" A chirpy sound from my overly excited aunt told me. "She ask us to come on Wednesday for a little bit and maybe you can-"

"No. I don't sing anymore, you know that!" I interrupt her with a harsh tone.

"Baby-doll, you use to love to sing; when you were little, you and your mother sung all the time" She informs me.

"Yes, use to, but I just can't." I scoff at her.


"I am going to bed, I not really that hungry" I move her hands from my shoulder and walk upstairs to my dark bedroom.

I hold my golden locket with index finger and thumb, playing with it as I slowly lay down on the bed, letting my dark-light brown hair flow on the pillow. The time only said eight thirty but I just wanted to sleep so my heart wouldn't be so lost and scared and most of all broken.


So that is the first chapter of this story and I know it's short but the next one will be longer if this gets some views and votes :). hope you liked it. if you didn't tell me THAT YOU HATE IT. please haha. but yea.

And the girl that plays Lucy's (ariana grande) bestfriend is Elizabeth gillies. if you don't know who she is look her up. bye bye.

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