Chapter 19 (02 of 02)

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Chapter 19


Turning Pages- Sleeping at Last.



"That was fun, right?" My aunt breaks the silence between us as the car stops at a light and looks to me.

I glance at her, holding a blank expression. If you call watching old people play bingo "fun" then you're out of your mind.

She sighs before adding on, "I know Niall leaving was hard and all, Lucy, but you gotta lighten up and stop being in the dark all the time."

I don't think much of what she is saying. frankly, I don't really care of what she's saying. All I want is to stay in the house all day and do nothing. just nothing.

"Can we just go home please?" I ask softly before pensively staring out of the window as she switches lanes.

I can tell she has grown absolutely done with me but she keeps it hidden as she focus on the road.


I let the heavy bag slide off my shoulders as I close my bedroom door. nothing in the world could make me happier than laying in my bed. expect Niall, of course.

After that night I barely spoke. Niall was busy with his shows and couldn't spare time to make one single phone call. I mean, sure I know he is busy and all but what about us? what about our relationship?

I start to grow anxious before being out my thoughts by an unexpected phone call. I glance over at the ringing phone before extending my hand out to it and answering it

"Luc." I freeze, feeling my heart pounding against my rib-cage, hearing that familiar Irish accent.

"N-Niall?" I fumble with his name as I try not sounding too desperate to hear his voice again, honestly shocked from him calling

I hear him let out a sigh of relief before speaking, "I've missed you so much, Lucy."

I bite the inside of my cheek as the words leave his mouth. "you did?"

"I have."

He missed me? I was practically the one avoiding him and he still misses me?

I hear him clear his throat, tugging me out of my thoughts. " 'm sorry, what Niall?"

"I said why have you been ignoring me? do you not love me anymore? I've I done something wrong?" I could hear sadness in his voice and it made my heart arch. I didn't mean to hurt him, I really didn't. I just didn't want to distract him from his work...

I felt the the tears bundling up in my eyes and blinks them away before speaking flatly,"No, no. You didn't do anything wrong, Ni. I just didn't want to be so clingy and needy and then I just thought you'll get tired of me." at this point I was already crying, tears trickling down my cheek. I didn't know why I was crying. Maybe it was the emotion I was holding in.

"You thought that? that I would get tired of you?" He seemed in disbelief by my answer but it's true, I did think he'll get rid of me. Niall could have any girl his heart desire and...he's with me.

But why

Just thought makes my stomach twist before hearing him continue on,"why would I wanna get rid of the girl I love? Why would I want to get rid of the most beautiful girl I've ever land eyes on? Lucy, you're so special to me- you don't even know..." He meaningfully, stammering over his words.

I freeze, feeling his words tug at my heart. I never been special to anyone before.

"I-I don't know what to say," I choke out.

"Just keep listening, okay?"


I can hear the smile in his voice as he starts shifting around and curiosity takes over as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before hearing him clear his throat.

"I've waited a hundred years, But I'd wait a million more for you.

Nothing prepared me for

What the privilege of being yours would do..." He starts singing softly and I can't help but to melt, feeling my heart expand. "I surrender who I've been for who you are

For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart

If I had only felt how it feels to be yours

Well I would have known

What I've been living for all along

What I've been living for..."


I rush through the people in pursuit of Niall.

Today was the day...He finally comes home.

I don't get to take anymore steps when suddenly I see him coming out. He let's out a sigh of relief before his eyes started scanning the large place but stops when his blue eyes intently meets my brown ones.

My heart started pounding against my rib cage and I find myself already running to him eagerly. It's been way too long to not be in those boy's arms.

I see him smile and drops his bags immediately, meeting me halfway as he opens his arms and I gladly fall into them and locks my arms around his neck.

He flings one arm around me and rest his other hand at the small of my back as he whispers sweetly, "I missed you so damn much..." I answer back lightly and kisses him suddenly. He hums against my lips and smiles into the kiss before cupping my cheek, moving our lips together affectionately like we never have before.

Niall slowly pulls away before pecking my lips one last time and encases his head over mine, going over to grab his bags that he drops and starts leading us out of the Airport.

"I love you." He muses.

"I love you too"


(I know it's short and all but I needed to get something out there for you guys. I love you all and thank you so much for supporting me♥ Go Check out The other account called EyebrowsPlusDimples (Lirry fanfics account) It's My Friend Marianne and I's user so please check it out and follow if you want to.




Bye Babes. )

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