Chapter 18 (01 of 2)

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Chapter 18
(Guys, Im so sorry for taking so long on the update. I just been busy and school has killed me. So enjoy xxx. oh and don't forget to comment! you can even spam if you want to :))

Songsfor this chapter:

Fix you- Coldplay




Without any words, I pull myself into Niall's chest feeling his arms naturally wrap around me. I know he was a bit taken back by it, despite the fact that after my little cat fight with Emma, I left school and told my aunt to drive me to the train station. I needed to see him.

"Luc," he releases a over exaggerated sigh as his face wraps with concern,"What are you doing here?"

I slowly look up and search his face, confused by his question. yeah, I know it hasn't even been twenty four hours since I seen Niall...but I just really need him right now.

"Sor-," I begin to apologize for my unexpected approval but he cups my jaw with one hand and brings his warm lips against my cold ones. His hands rise up from behind my back up the wet sweatshirt while wrapping his arm tightly around me.

"Damn. you're freezing," He pulls away shortly, smoothing my damp hair. He gestures me inside his suite and sits me on the bed before glances out the window."Its raining cats and dogs out there."

He tears his eyes from the window once the sound of thunder started to occur. Niall crosses the room and opens the closet, pulling out a folded blue blanket out.

"Here," Niall simple says and walks over towards me covering me up in the fresh smelling warm blanket.

"Thanks." I smile shyly.

He scoots closer to me, closing the small intense gap between us, and grips my waist-lifting me up onto his lap.

I don't hesitate to curl up into him as he traces tiny circles in my back and hums sweet words in my ear and the sound of the rain giving me peace to finally relax.

"So you wanna tell me what happen." Niall voice breaks the silence. I avoid his hard gaze.

"Oh, you know. The typical thing... running away from my life," I laugh nervously. Maybe I should leave out the real reason why.

"I wish I could fix you..." He breathed out softy in my hair but I choose to ignore his statement in the mean time.

"Wait,"I thought suddenly came into my mind ."What time is it?"

"Nine o' clock." He presses.

Before I can I say anything, a loud knock turns our head towards the door.

"Who is here?"

"Probably Ryan. trying to check up on me," He informs me .

The knocks fades away and footsteps follow behind as it becomes quiet again.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask warily, unsure of what to say next.

"You don't gotta leave."

"But do you want me to? I don't want to you to think I'm cling-" I begin.

"You're not being clingy. if you were the one that was leaving for four whole weeks, I'll be the running to get to you," He laughs.

I look up at him,"I'll leave tonight." All I know is that there's another plane leaving at Eleven so that should do it for me. he's staying here and I'm going back, simple as that.

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