Chapter 02

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I woke up monday morning, not prepared at all. I just wanted lay in bed all day, but I know I have to go, alone since my best friend practically abandoned me at this hell I call school that I have to go to against my will.

I lazily fell off the bed and turned off my alarm on my phone, and got off the ground, walked out of my room and trailed down the corridor to the bathroom. I made sure before I got in the shower, there will be towel waiting for me to snug myself in to.

I take off my pajamas and pulled my hair out of the neat bun and let it fall down my back and sat my phone on the edge of the sink counter. I started turning both the shower knobs so the water would be warm.

After I washed my body and my hair, I got out of the shower and reach for the towel and wrap it around my tiny figure. I open the mirror cabinet, pulling out the toothpaste and grabbing my toothbrush out of the clear blue cup that had my aunts toothbrush in it. I linger my eyes to the lighten up phone on the edge of the counter to see a text message from my friend 'Emma Johnson' I don't even know why I'm friends with her. was I drunk when I gave her my number?, but that's utterly impossible cause I don't even drink. I slowly grab my phone while the toothbrush on the side of my mouth.

(From: Emma)

Hey lucie-Lu sorry that your friend what-her-face had to go but atleast you have me.

Why did she call me that? is she stupid? probably. Emma was one of Kristen friends that I so happen to befriend but now that I think of it I wonder why Kristen was even her friend in the first place. Emma doesn't even know her on friends first name.

I push away the thoughts for a minute and walk to my bedroom, searching for my deodorant that spelled like dove soap my ol' time favorite brand ever. Once I found it I took off the deodorant cap and put some on, gently place the cap back on the deodorant and sat it on my nightstand and walk to my closet, and pulled out one of my favorite Cream fit and flare belted dress and slide it on my body, and grab my brown wedge booties, pulling them on my tiny feet. Most of the girls at my school wear short mini skirts and bra looking shirts but apparently I get good grades and always on time. but I will never be a teachers pet...Ever!.

I went back to the bathroom, blowed dryer my hair, and straighten it, pulling half of my hair into a ponytail, leaving the rest down, curling the bottom that was lightest of my hair. I applied mascara that made my brown eyes pop, and added a pretty red lipstick to my lips. I don't know why I liked lipstick so much. I think it's sorta better then lipgloss, but that's just me...

I glanced at my self in the mirror and admire myself, I thought I looked pretty decent. I look down at my necklace my mother gave me. I never took it off ever. My Aunt told me to take it off once to help move on from the past but I just can't bring myself to it.

"Lucy!" My Aunt shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I grab my bag and fling it on my shoulders and walked downstairs to see her in one of her jogging suits and her hair in a high ponytail.

"Are you ready for school?" she keeps her eyes on her iPhone.

"Yeah," I mumble.

"Awww Luc, you look beautiful," she beams.

"Please don't call me that,"I declared.

She walks over to me and gently stroke my hair but I push her away.

"Luc, why are you acting like this. you been pushing everyone away, you've been like this since the incident an-"

"Can we just go please?" I cut her off and walk away and closed the front door before she can respond.

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