Chapter 1: Zack and Lester

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I never actually thought this would happen to me, but fate chose it's path.

Oh, I should introduce myself. I'm Lucy. Lucy Valcrum. If you don't know, this is a cruel world. This person named Trevor Valcrum, my ancestor, changed the world. Before, the land of Fire Lake was ruled by a powerful council named The Light Sunshine Council. Its a weird name if you ask me. Anyway, once Trevor freed Fire Lake from The Light Sunshine Council, the whole world changed. The council became evil and released soldiers upon the land, killing all of Fire Lake's defense.

For now, only the Silvermoon Group and the Guardz Group survived. "Lucy Valcrum!" My master, Travis Valcrum, shouted. He's not really my master, more like my brother, but I have to treat him like a master. My brother rules the Guardz group while I rule the Silvermoon group. Pretty cool I must say. "Yes brother?" I answer him. Travis glares at me and smiles. "You will be getting a new partner today!" Travis exclaimed.

New partner? Yay. I don't seem as excited as I should be. Gettng a partner to fight alongside you would be awesome! I just don't know who I'm going to be partnered up with. I hope its not a girl, they suck. Not exactly, its just I hate most girls. I snap out of my thinking at look at Travis. "Who is my new partner?" I ask. Travis smiled. "Glad you asked!" Travis responded. I rolled my eyes. Travis smiled. A guy, who was an inch taller than me, appeared behind him. He had coal black hair with a glare on his face. He was wearing the official Silvermoon uniform. He had light blue eyes.

"This is your partner Lucy! His name is Zack Ro'meave. I'm sure you'll like him." Travis assured. I rolled my eyes. "Ohayo Zack." I greeted. Zack's glare turned into a grin. "Hi Lucy, nice to meet you." Zack said, in an assuring voice. His voice calmed me down, and I smiled. "Lets get going." I said to him. He smiled and nodded. Travis chuckled in the background.

"What is this place?" Zack asked. I glared at him. "Its my house." I declared. He looked at me, with his eyes wide. "I can't believe this Lester. This place is a mess." Zack said. I flinched at the nickname. "L-Lester? My name is Lucy moron!" I shouted. Zack laughed. "Don't be so mad Lestie, its just a nickname." Zack reassured. I calmed myself down. "Right, now lets get to work." I said, grabbing my sword. "Wait!" Zack exclaimed. I stopped and looked at him. "Now what?" I asked. Zack chuckled. "My sword is broken..." He said, holding his broken sword. OML THIS GUY I SWEARRRRE

After fixing Zack's sword, we went to training camp. Zack looked at the training camp happily. "What do we have to do here?" Zack asked. "We have to train to fight the soldiers, so this is where we fight monsters. To get our strength up, we have to fight with our partners." I informed. Zack nodded. I led him to where my station was, number 234. There is a lot of stations. Zack looked at the station and flinched. "You okay?" I ask him. Zack looked at me. "Yup, I'm fine." He said, wielding his sword. I also wielded my sword, getting ready for battle.

"Exactly what are we fighting?" Zack asked. I looked at him and groaned. "Like I said, we are fighting monsters to train. Monster naturally spawn in stations because its dark. Do you get it now?" I explained. "Yup." He whispered. I didn't know why he whispered to be honest, but I guess it was for a reason. "You ready?" I ask him. Zack nodded. I smiled and opened the station's door.

A lot of monsters were in the station. Normally, there isn't any! Travis I swear... "Lester!" Zack screamed as he pushes me out of the way. Got lost in thinking, again. Ugh. Trying to get up, I bumped into Zack, falling again. "Be careful Lucy. Don't be so clumsy." Zack smirked. I glared at him. Just because he caught me and saved my life doesn't mean he can do that. I'm so mad at this guy. "Ugh, anyway, lets continue." I glared. Zack smirked. "With pleasure." Zack went inside and swung his sword, killing three monsters at once. I wasn't that amazed, but it was really cool.

"That was easier than I thought it would be." Zack boasted. I rolled my eyes. "They get harder. Some monsters are faster, and they can actually kill you." I informed. Zack chuckled. "I doubt that." He assured. "Don't get to cocky. If you get hurt..." I paused. What was I going to say? "If I get hurt what?" Zack asked. I sighed. "If you get hurt, I would never forgive myself..." I whispered. He probably heard it. "That's really nice to know Lestie. You know, I think we could actually pull off this partner thing." Zack said. I smiled. "Yes we can."

The monsters in the back were things I never fought before. I wanted to ask help from Zack, but how awkward would that have been? I'm scared, to be completely honest. I never fought these monsters before. "Lester? Are you okay?" Zack asked. I faced him and nodded. "I'll be fine!" I exclaimed. He nodded and went back to his share of monsters. You can do this. I stepped in front of the monster and sliced it with my sword. "Shit!" I exclaimed. The sword did nothing.

Zack wasn't paying attention. WHAT A SHAME I MIGHT DIE. Okay, I'm overreacting, but I don't know if I can kill this guy. I hope Zack is almost done so he can help me. I've hit the monster a few times with my sword, but it did no damage. The monster had enough, and picked me up. "Fuck.." I cursed under my breath. He threw me across the whole room, leaving me bruised. Zack looked at me. "Lester?" He asked. "I'll... Be okay..." I whispered. He nodded and went back to fighting his monster. I stood back up and went to the monster.

If this monster hits me, I'm going to die. I can't hit this monster with my sword. I blame Travis for all of this. As I tried to swing my sword, the monster waved his claw and scratched me. I fell down to my side, as Zack didn't notice. I dropped my sword, which made a huge clinging sound. Zack heard it and looked at me. He ran up to me. "Lester!" And I blacked out.
Ah, that was really fun to write!
I hope you guys enjoyed!
Lucy Valcrum: me :3
Zack Ro'meave: ZaneGuardz
Travis Valcrum: OkumurasBlade

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