Chapter 5: Princess Summer?

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I walked out of my house with Zack and the princess. The princess blushed as we walked to the castle. "Are you okay, princess?" I asked. Zack stopped and smiled. The princess went up to me. "I think I like Zack..." She whispered. I looked at her, shocked. "What did she say Lester?" Zack asked. "Princess wanted a drink, thats all!" I exclaimed. Zack smiled. "Well, we are close to the castle, she can get a drink there." Zack said. I smiled and followed Zack. The princess was really shy. Like omlllllllll (LETS SHIP THEM! #ZANIX)

As we reached the castle, the princess rushed to her room. "Is the princess okay?" Zack asked. I nodded. "Of course, now lets get to the royal army base so we can meet everyone." I said. Zack nodded and followed. Half way there, Zack stopped. "Lester." He said. I turned around and faced him. "Yeah?" I replied. "I'm really glad to see you again. You were my onky friend, and I couldn't live without you. Knowing you would get hurt, I wanted to get you back. But I knew you wouldn't come. Five years later, we're both here, happy. I'm really happy Lester." Zack responded. I smiled. "I'm glad too. I can't wait to fight with you, again. Now, lets get going." I said. Zack nodded and we headed to the royal army base.

"Listen up everyone! We have a new recruit! His name is Zack Ro'meave. He will be my partner when we fight. Anyway, its time to train. There was been this weird creature who camouflages as random everyday objects. Once a person grabs it, the creature will choke the person to death, or give the person a sickness. We need to train for this, since this is really dangerous. Please report to your stations." I announced. Everyone nodded. Zack came up to me, worriedly. "This thing is real, correct?" Zack asked. I nodded. "Sadly, it is. The castle should be okay, since the creature hasn't reached it yet." I said. Zack nodded.

My walkie talkie started vibrating. I picked it up. "Hello?" I said. Zack looked at me worriedly. "The princess is down, Commander Lucy, we need you at the castle this instant. Do you copy?" A guard said. "Yes I copy, I'll be there right away." I said, putting the walkie talkie down. "We need to get to the castle. It appears the princess found the creature." I said. Zack nodded as we ran to the castle.

"What happened?" Zack asked one of the guards. "Look inside." The guard answered. Zack nodded and we both went inside. "I was waiting for you, Lucy and Zack." Princess smirked. I thought... "I thought you got hurt!" I cried. The princess nodded. "Oh I did, never mind! I released the creatures, Commander Lucy. All of this was a trick. I am not Phoenix, I'm Summer, an evil wizard. I was the leader of that evil council that killed your family. And all I have left is you and your partner, Zack. Oh, this is such a fun day!" Summer exclaimed. Zack stared at Summer.

"Oh, but I'm afraid our time has run out. Farewell warriors." Summer said. She used her magic and the creatures appeared. Zack jumped in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked Zack. He smiled. "Protecting you." He said. The creature got to him and he fell. The creature suddenly grabbed onto my neck and choked me. "L-Lester..." Zack choked out. "Z-Zack..." I replied. He reached for my hand and we held each other. We both then blacked out.

Lester and Zack are not allowed to be shipped
Only friendshipped.
Like Zester
Thats a friend ship
Only Zanix XD
k bai XD
Moar coming soon *^*

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