Chapter 18: Death of a Hero

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I woke up in a bed. I didn't know where I was, as my eye vision was blurry. As it cleared up, I saw Brenden and Mimmy. Mimmy was eating food and Brenden was just doing what Brenden does. I started to move my hands, which Brenden and Mimmy saw. "Ay, she's awake." Mimmy smiled. Brenden nodded. He walked outside and Mimmy walked up to me. "How ya feeling?" Mimmy asked. "I'm fine. What happened?" I replied. Mimmy looked at me. "We found you and Natalie. Maine was dead, and there were no traces of Summer. We found you on the ground covered in blood but with no wounds. Natalie is fine, she's just outside. I also want to tell you something." Mimmy answered. I nodded. "What is it?" I asked.

"Travis is gone." Mimmy said sadly. I looked at her in shock. "H-How?" I demanded. Mimmy sighed. "While coming to where Isaiah said you were, we bumped into some angry travelers. Apparently they had weapons. They tried to kill us. Travis told us he was going to deal with them, but it ended with him getting shot. I'm very sorry." Mimmy responded. I stared in shock. Brenden entered the room and looked at us. "Did you tell her?" Brenden asked. Mimmy nodded. Brenden looked at me sadly. "I'm very sorry Lucy." Brenden said.

After a long silence, I looked at Mimmy and Brenden. "Where is Natalie, Zack, and Isaiah?" I asked. "They are with Travis. They wanted to stay in there a little bit." Brenden answered. I stood up from my bed and looked at them. "Let's go to Travis." I said. Brenden and Mimmy nodded. We walked to where Travis was. "Hi guys." Natalie waved. Mimmy and Brenden waved back. I stared at Travis. Was he really dead? Or was he faking? I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Natalie, Mimmy, Brenden, and Zack looked at me sadly. "Where's Isaiah?" Brenden asked. Zack and Natalie shrugged. "He said he was going to do something. That was an hour ago, though." Zack added. Brenden nodded.

"Want to take a walk?" Brenden asked. He looked at me and smiled. "Sure." I replied. Brenden smiled and put his hand out. "Don't get too crazy Brenden." Natalie commented. Brenden glared at Natalie. He then faced me. I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the house.

"How do you feel about this whole thing?" Brenden asked. I smiled. "I feel a bit sad, but happy." I responded. Brenden looked at me. "How so?" He asked. "I feel sad that Travis is gone, but I'm happy we are all alive and well right now." I said. Brenden smiled. "I feel the same way. Losing a family member hurts very much." Brenden said. I continued to walk until we heard a large boom. Brenden and I looked at the explosion. "It's a magic explosion." Brenden said. I nodded and we ran to the explosion.

We searched the area, but all we could find were people who were dead. "Whoever did this must've hated this place." Brenden said. "If it's magic, shouldn't Isaiah be here?" I asked. Brenden looked at me. He then turned away. "I don't doubt Isaiah. He can handle himself as I can handle myself. But I'm sure he's okay. He's strong, even though he's not much of a talker." Brenden smiled. "Do you care about him at times?" I asked. Brenden smiled. "I do. When he's not here with us, I get scared. But he'll be fine." Brenden answered. I nodded. We walked through the explosion. It reached up until where the docks were.

We searched for a long time. We haven't found who caused the explosion. So many villagers ran out of Fire Lake. We couldn't find Isaiah either. "It's getting late, we should head back." Brenden said. I shook my head. "We need to find your brother." I demanded. Brenden looked at me. "I don't want to find him right now. It's night, and we have to head back." Brenden glared. I shook my head once more. "He's your brother! Do you not care where he is? What he's doing?" I asked. Brenden shook his head. "He'll be fine. I trust him." Brenden responded. "What if I told you he was dead? Would you care?" I screamed. Brenden nodded. "I would care, I really would! Now's not the time! He's home! Let's just go." Brenden glared. He started walking back. I followed.

Brenden stopped walking. "Brenden?" I asked. He looked at the ground. He didn't respond, he just stood there, like a statue. "H-He's.." Brenden started. I looked at him, but he didn't look back. He stared at the ground. "You were right.." Was all he said. He ran towards the explosion. "Idiot! Come back!" I called out to him. I followed him as he ran. He's very fast I must say.

Brenden finally stopped running. He looked at the body on the ground. He froze and slowly went down. It was Isaiah, his brother. Brenden carried Isaiah. "Let's go now. I don't want to talk about it." Brenden said. I nodded and we walked back to the house we came from. I stared at Brenden as he stared at the ground. I really want to ask him what happened, but he'll get annoyed.

"Brenden!" Everyone gasped as we reached the house. Mimmy looked at us sadly. "What happened?" Mimmy whispered. I shrugged. "Brenden wouldn't tell me." I replied. Mimmy nodded. Natalie nodded as well. "We will just have to wait until Brenden wants to talk." Natalie said. Brenden walked over to us, still looking at the ground. "Natalie, I need you to contact Umibeach's army. We are preparing for war, I had enough of waiting." Brenden demanded. "Y-Yes sir." Natalie stuttered. She ran over to another room. "As for you, Luce, I need you and Mimmy to prepare. Prepare the army and yourselves. I recommend you turn into your demon form, Lucy." Brenden said coldly. He walked towards Zack, who was on the other side of the room.

"I guess we will have the war right away." Mimmy said. I nodded. "Let's go get the army ready." I said. Mimmy nodded and she followed me to the army base. Brenden came too, I guess to talk to them. I guess this war is really going to start.

Im srry if chaps are sucky
ok pictures pictures

Natalie Haaro

Isaiah Tachibana (HAS LONG HAIR LIKE HOW WE TALKED ABOUT IT AT SCHOOL Nimmy_Chan Mimmytrash thatjellybeanlover :333)

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Isaiah Tachibana (HAS LONG HAIR LIKE HOW WE TALKED ABOUT IT AT SCHOOL Nimmy_Chan Mimmytrash thatjellybeanlover :333)

Isaiah Tachibana (HAS LONG HAIR LIKE HOW WE TALKED ABOUT IT AT SCHOOL Nimmy_Chan Mimmytrash thatjellybeanlover :333)

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Demon Lucy

Hope you guys enjoyed! Bai 🌚💕

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Hope you guys enjoyed!
Bai 🌚💕

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