Chapter 10: A Shoking Surprise

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I want to say thank u to mimmy
Aka Mimmytrash
Bc since she likes this book i decided to keep writing
It so hard to get inspiration rip
Okai here is chap

We've been underground for like to whole night. I felt much more better so I continued swimming with Mimmy. "I don't think we are ever going to find a way out." Mimmy said. I nodded. "I agree, this is such a big place." I groaned. It was very stinky down in the ugly place. "I see someone, shut up." Mimmy whispered. "Who do you see?" I whispered back to her.

Mimmy slowly swimmed closer. "I have no idea, but she had red hair." Mimmy whispered. I nodded. We went closer. "Hello Mimmy Machicana, Lucy Valcrum." The person said, not turning around. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. The person turned around. "Maine. Maine Gelgro." She smirked. Mimmy looked at her surprised. "I recognize her. I remember stealing from her and that made me go into the prison." Mimmy whispered to me. I nodded. "What do you want, Maine?" I asked her. Maine smiled. "I just want power, Lucy. You and Mimmy have extreme power that I want. You haven't discovered it yet, which is a shame. So, I'll make you discover it." Maine replied viciously.

I took out my sword. Maine put her hands up and smirked at us. She muttered something in another language. Suddenly, our hands uncontrollably went around our necks and choked us. "Its called curse magic, darling. I can command you to do things, by cursing your body. I will make you guys discover your power this way, have fun." Maine said, and disappeared. I sighed. This sucks. "This isn't hurting me." Mimmy said. I looked at her. She was perfectly fine.

"W-Well, thats nice." I said. Mimmy looked at me. "You better discover that power quick, since we gotta get out of here." Mimmy demanded. I nodded. I couldn't grab anything, so I wiggled. "You look funny when you wiggle." Mimmy said. "Stop judging me!" I shouted. Mimmy giggled. "Whatever, I think I found my power. I can survive anything! Basically I'm invincible!" Mimmy bragged. I rolled my eyes. I suddenly saw glowing. "What are you doing?" Mimmy asked.

I smirked. "I think I'm consuming something." I said. Mimmy looked at me. "If you are eating souls, that's really weird." Mimmy said, disgusted. "I think that's what I'm eating." I assumed. I stood up and let go of my neck. "What do souls taste like?" Mimmy asked. "Um, chicken?" I answered. Mimmy chuckled. "Yus, chicken. Anyway, I guess we already discovered the weird power shit, let's go to Maine." Mimmy suggested. I nodded.

Maine appeared right in front of us. "Hello again, Machicana and Valcrum." Maine smirked. I pulled out my sword once more. "No hitting, Valcrum. If you hit me, I will let this bomb go off in this very area. You both will die." Maine said. Mimmy gasped. "I don't believe you." I said. Maine smiled. "Then hit me, what if a bomb actually goes off? Mimmy might not die, but you will, Lucy." Maine said delightly. Mimmy looked at me. "Don't hit her stupid." Mimmy said. I nodded.

"But, if you don't kill me in 10 seconds, both of you are coming with me. I will torture you until you both slowly die. Its going to be a slow and very painful death, so let's battle." Maine challenged. "I will kill you, and I'm sure of it." I announced. "Full of confidence, Valcrum? You're going to die, along with Machicana." Maine smirked.

(I cant write fight scenes so sorry if its bad :3)

I pulled out my sword. Maine put her hands up. "Ready?" Maine asked. I nodded. Maine flew at me, she was very quick. I dodged her, but hit her with my sword. Maine smirked. She used her magic. Spikes flew at me. I jumped and avoided them. I headed to Maine, planning to stab her. She just stood there. This is my chance. I ran to Maine quickly, putting my sword forward. Maine smiled. She summoned a force field once I got to her. I hit the force field, making me fly backwards. "Its over, Valcrum, you lose. And that force field, doesn't it hurt? I tried to put lots of pain." Maine said.

Mimmy rushed over. Maine laughed. "Zack and Travis will find us, I know they will." Mimmy assured. I nodded. I attempted to stand up, but ended up falling and coughing up blood. Mimmy looked at me. "You stay here, I will take care of this bitch." Mimmy said. I grabbed her hand. I shook my head. Mimmy looked at me surprised. "Fine, I won't go. But, hopefully-" Maine grabbed Mimmy. "What do you hope, Machicana? That stupid Zack and Travis will come? They probably won't even care." Maine glared.

"They will come!" Mimmy shouted. Maine let go of Mimmy, slamming her on the ground. "They won't. They will not come." Maine said, walking towards me. "Now, let's get to the torturing, shall we?" Maine said. I shook my head. Mimmy stood up. She ran up to Maine, but Maine turned and punched Mimmy in the face. "Whoops, sorry. Anyway, let's do this." Maine smiled. I glared at Maine. Maine out her hands up and muttered a spell. I suddenly felt shock through my body.

Mimmy screamed. It hurt her, and I couldn't do anything. Maine laughed. "Die Valcrum and Machicana, you two will never live to see your saviors, so I'll make sure you both get a lot of pain." Maine smiled. The shock got more painful. I couldn't screamed, so I just lay there, motionless. The shock hurt. "Stop hurting us!" Mimmy screamed. Maine chuckled. "You think I'll stop? I won't stop till you both die." Maine smirked.

The pain and screaming went on and on. I couldn't handle it. I wanted to close my eyes and end the pain. "Yes Lucy, close your eyes. End the pain." Maine said. Mimmy looked at me. "Don't!" Mimmy yelled. Maine looked at me. "You should, you really should. To end the pain, to end your suffering, to end everything." Maine smirked. I just looked at them. I wanted to. I wanted to end it. So I started to close my eyes. "No!" Mimmy shouted. She cried. Maine just looked at us.

"If you won't die, I'll make this pain hurt more." Maine said. I nodded. Mimmy started to cry. Suddenly, the ceiling above us crumpled open. "You will not kill them." Zack said. Travis appeared behind him. "What makes you say that, Ro'meave?" Maine asked. Zack smirked. "I'll kill you first." Zack answered. Travis and Zack pulled out their swords. "You are so cocky, idiots." Maine said. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. "Lester!" Zack screamed. Mimmy cried. Travis looked at me, worriedly. I closed my eyes, and finally ended the pain.

(btw if u want to know there will never be ugly kiss scenes because those suck)
concept art will come later
Zack's pov or Mimmy's might be next chapter
If no one votes then I'm deciding
I might do Mimmy's for a change
It depends
Ty for reading this long chapter :)
It took forever and made me cry, but thats okay.
I'll write more later bai bai 🌚💕

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