Ch.26 The proposal

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They had figured out everything with the bunker and took all the pictures and things, or most of them to the museum. They had kept the old chalk board that looked like it came out of Einstein's office, because Monty and Jasper thought it was 'cool'. Plus they could use it to weight the menus out in. It was big enough and went with the theme. They also kept a few pictures of the original owners standing out side the building. Old black and white photographs. They hung them around the coffee shop. It was now a popular place being in a university town. They're were also a lot or hot people walking in. Jasper had seen this one girl walk in and every time he saw her approaching the place he would run behind the counter, push Bellamy out of the way and take her order. Bellamy held up his hands and laughed as he walked away taking bomber Jaspers job for a few minutes. He started clearing tables and walked over to a table where 5 college girls were sitting around. He gave a toothy smile and started collecting their plates. Their eyes went wide, he was pretty handsome.

"Oh my gosh! Hi! I'm Piper! Your name is Bellamy?" She asked looking down at his name tag. She batted her eye lashes and rested her chin on her hand proper up by her elbow.

"Yeah that's what they call me. Can I get you ladies anything else?" He asked looking around.

"Oh no we don't want to add to your work. It must be hard carting that heavy tray with all those dishes." She said again clearly trying to flirt, but Bellamy wasn't having it.

"Nope. I'm okay." He said standing straight up.

"Ooohhh you must work out! Do you go to the gym on campus?" She rested her arm in his bicep. He pulled away slightly and her arm dropped.

He was getting annoyed. "Can I get you ladies anything else?" He asked flatly.

"Hi I'm sorry. Don't mind piper she can't take a hint for her life. I'm Monroe. We are okay we got to get going but it was nice to meet you sorry again."

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. She shook his head and laughed. "It's okay no problem." 'Finally a normal girl who doesn't want to get into my pants! Jesus!' He thought. "I'm usually the barista up there." He nodded towards the counter without looking back. Their eyes followed. " but you see my friend over there likes this girl named Maya and every time she comes on he makes me switch jobs." He laughed a little. They all giggled except for Piper, who laughed way to much. They all shot her the 'shut up!' Look. He agreed but kept it off his face. He nodded and walked towards the back kitchen to give Monty the dishes. Then he traded back spots with Jasper. Who gave him a dorky smile. "I wrote my number in her cup!" She said now grinning at the thought.

Bellamy rolled his eyes but wrapped an arm around the younger boy's shoulders. "I'm happy for you man! Now get back to work!" He pushed him toward the tables and passed him the tray. Bellamy looked up to help the next customer and saw it was Wick. "Hey man! How's it going?! What can I get 'cha?" Bellamy asked.

"Ummm I don't know... Whatever is good. Hey can talk to you after your shift today?" He asked.

Bellamy nodded. "Sounds good. How 'bout a killer espresso?"

Wick nodded and smiled. The guy seemed a little anxious. On second
Thought maybe the espresso wasn't a good idea. It was like a shot of energy. Energetic anxious people were never good. Bellamy thought. And wick didn't look like a guy who knew what an espresso was anyways. So he handed him a small coffee instead. "$2.80" Bellamy said. Wick handed him the change and smiled again raising his cup. "I'll see you later, you work late tonight right?"

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