Chapter 2

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Last nigh I couldn't sleep at all and now my head was pounding and my neck hurt as hell.When I got up I headed to the bathroom,brushing my hair and teeth,washing my face.I went back to the room and took some clothes out of my suitcase which was still on the floor unpacked.
Suddenly I heard my phone ringing,I quickly slid the button and answered it.
"Hello,am I talking to Miss Avery?"Oh it's probably about the house.
"Yes,I'm listening."I responded as he went on.
"I am wondering if you still need a small house,furnished and all?"He asked nervously.
"Of course,I j published the advertisement yesterday,so when can I see it?"
"The house will be ready in a few days,so I will call you Miss and you can see the house."A few days? That's normal I guess,I quickly muttered a thank you and hung up.
I checked my phone and I remembered that in a few hours I still have to return to my house and let that woman see it,I hope everything will go perfectly.
The morning ring just made my day a bit better and I went in the kitchen to eat something,Cameron was there,cooking.
"Morning Cam."I mumbled and smiled at her.
"Well morning sleepyhead,it's 11pm,I'm cooking that called breakfast."She laughed and I helped her laying the table.
"I'm hungry Cam."One of her brothers walked in the kitchen,it was the normal one,I mean the one who didn't have those tattoos.
"Good morning to you Grayson."Cameron said annoyed.
"This is Avery,since you two were busy yesterday making the whole house a mess,she's staying here now."She explained to him,first he looked a bit confused but he quickly smiled.
"I'm Grayson,call me Gray."He gave me a hug and I smiled at him,telling him the same to call me Ave instead of Avery.
"What is that you're cooking Cams?"Grayson spoke and filled a glass with an apple juice.
"It's ready,pancakes and waffles,go wake Eth up."She told him and Grayson rushed out of the kitchen and in a few minutes he was back with a boy similar to him,just he had those tattoos all over his body.
He didn't even say morning to their siblings,not to mention me,he just sat and started eating.
"You could have said a simple hi or something."I heard Cam whispered to him,he didn't even pay attention,just laughed and continued eating his pancakes.
I felt anger towards him,why was he ignoring everyone?Me especially,I didn't think he would be this moody when I saw him last night running and laughing.
"Why is she staying here?Who is she anyways?"He asked harshly,like I wasn't even there,I let out a gasp at his rudeness.
"Ethan!She's my bestfriend and she just needs to stay here,that's none of your business."Cameron said and I smiled at her.
"I'm moving out soon don't worry."I made sure I gave that Ethan boy a harsh look.
"News?"Cameron furrowed her eyebrows.
"Yeah,I got  a call this morning,I'll be able to see my new house in a few days."I said and finished my breakfast,I grabbed a remoter and turned the TV on but still nothing was there to watch so I turned it off and sat there until I remembered that I had a meeting with a customer.
"Cam,I need to talk to you."I made my way towards Cam who was still eating.
"Yeah what is it?"I didn't care if her brothers were listening it's not something I had to tell was serious.
"I was wondering if you can come with me at..the house?"I asked not to sure what to call that house anymore.
"Of course!Give me a minute,I'll just change."She said rushing upstairs,leaving me here with twins.
"So why is it you're selling your house?"Ethan asked and I was shocked why did he even care because since I got here,he either doesn't pay attention to me or is being rude.
"Uhm..well I.."I started but had no idea how to explain it to him.
"I'm ready!"I heard Cameron yell and thanked her in my head for saving me from this answer.
"I'm nervous what if she won't buy it?"I said to Cameron as we drove.
"Well that'll be good,I told you.."She started but I cut off.
"You know my opinion about this."I said through my teeth.
"Okay,okay..then I'm sure anyone will buy it." The rest of the drive was silent,finally we reached the house.
There was a white car in the yard,so I guessed it was the woman's who called me and I wasn't mistaken when I saw a woman about 30,with blonde hair and a little boy in her arms.
"Hello,I'm Nancy,I called you yesterday."She said and gave me a fake ass smile.
"Yeah,whatever."I muttered quietly.
"Let me show you the house."I told her and unlocked the door,I had to tell her where the rooms were,what they were for and show everything in our..I mean in this house.
It was no 'our' house anymore,I had no one to call that,I was alone.
When I finished being a guide,we went in the backyeard to talk about if she would buy it.
"Well Miss Avery,this house is in a really good condition,I think this is a perfect choice for us,isn't it Eddie?"My heart sunk when she called the small boy I guessed his son, 'Eddie',it was my brother's name,I used to call him 'Eddie'..
"I think we will buy this house,just about the price..can you tell me the last price?"She asked and looked at me,I took out a small paper and Cameron gave me a pen,I wrote the number of the price and my bank account number and gave it to her.
"So,what do you think Miss Nina?"I asked her and she gave me a confused look but I returned the same.
"Not Nina,Nancy.''She said in an annoying voice."And I agree with the price,the money will be in 1 hour on your banck account."Well she must have been rich,if she can pay money this fast,also her car looks like it must have cost thousands of dollars.
This-,no more called my house,was big,I mean huge,so when I gave her the number of price,I remembered she said she would pay any price if the house would have been ready in two days,so since the house was already ready,I upped the price a bit but happily she agreed.
"Well congrats then huh?The house is sold."Cameron said while we were driving back to her house.
"I guess,Cam you will go with me to check the new house too right?"I wanted to hear other opinions about the house too,so that's why I asked her.
"How can you ask me that?You know you can't check it without me."She laughed and soon we were in the front yard,heading straight into the house.
There was no voice at all but when we entered the hall we saw Grayson sleeping on the couch,it was 4pm,so we didn't wake him up and decided to make some smoothies since it was the middle of July and was very hot.
"I want the strawberry one."Said Ethan as he entered the kitchen not even looking at us.
"You could have asked more politely."I said and he laughed.
"Is that so Avrin?"He smirked.
"It is Edward."I smirked back rudely,he confused at my attitude but kept smirking.
"I said the strawberry one,is that you're deaf or blind?"Ethan said rudely when I held him a vanilla smoothie,I just laughed and took the strawberry one,leaving him in the kitchen with an angry face.
Well he deserves because he has been nothing but rude to me since I got here and if he wants to play,then we're playing with my rules.

Ethan's P.O.V.

"You could have asked more politely."Said the annoying new homie.
"Is that so Avrin?"I said smirking,I perfectly remembered her name when Grayson told me but I wanted to play with her nerves.
"It is Edward."She smirked back,her attitude confused me for a second but I kept smirking at her.
"I said the strawberry one,is that you're deaf or blind?"I felt anger and annoyance as she passed me a vanilla smoothie,I knew she did it on purpose,but she didn't even respond and took MY strawberry smoothie,no babe you can't beat me at my game.
I smiled like a devil and ran past her,as I reached her,I quickly grabbed her smoothie from her hands and kissed her on the cheek,I knew this would annoy her and I was not mistaken when I saw her cheeks turning into dark red,now she was the angry one here.
I went to wake Gray up,I saw him sleeping on the couch,but when I entered the hall he was already awake,talking to Avery.
"What is it guys you're talking about?"I asked and pretended to be curious but right now I couldn't care less,I just wanted to annoy Avery,it was fun.
"Ave wanted to kno.."Started Gray but she stopped him.
"Nothing important right Gray?"She asked and he nodded,now they went to 'Ave' and 'Gray'?
"Abbie why do you wear glasses?"I started  again,looking at her black glasses that looked quite good on her.
"Ethan her name is Avery,I thought you would remember when I told you."Shut the fuck up Grayson.
"I didn't need to remember,anyway I asked a question."I said again with a harsh tone.
"I have vision problems why else would I wear glasses."She was annoyed it was clear and I just realized how my question sounded stupid,but I still went on like I cared.
"Of course you have,I meant what kind."
"Well I can't see clearly without glasses or contacts,my vision is blurred."Said Avery and took her glasses of,now I could see her admirable blue-grayish eyes which were looking indirectly,then she quickly put them on and looked at me,giving me the 'SEE' look,I nodded.
"We're going to have a big party tomorrow."Gray said to Avery and they kept talking until Cameron stormed down from her room.
"I SAID NO PARTYS HERE!"She yelled and looked at me then at Grayson.
"You were listening,weren't you?"I asked her with an evil grin.
"Why would I listen to your teen conversations?"She asked and I laughed loudly,well she always acts like she is mom,but in reality she is just 2 years older than Grayson and I.
"Calm down mom,only a few friends."I guess Grayson thought the same about Cam.
"You guys just got here,what friends are you talking about?"Cameron asked in confusion.
"Well that's our business."I smirked,she let out a sigh and went back to her room. After about an hour we were all sitting on the couch,Grayson was on the floor,it was his habit and we were watching Netflix,eating some snacks.
"Bored."Muttered Avery.
"What?"Cam seemed she didn't hear anything.
"Bored!''Said Avery to Cameron loudly.
"Why don't we take a evening walk?"Grayson asked in excitement in his voice,really Gray?An evening walk?
"Well you guys go,I'm not feeling like walking right now."Cam said.
"Then we'll go,right Ave?"Asked Gray.
"You know,actually I'll come too."I said smirking.
"Yaaay!"Screamed Avery in a sarcastic way,damn she has an attitude.
I went in my room changed from sweatpants to black skinny jeans and a random shirt,usual.Then went downstairs.
Avery was there with Grayson,they were still talking,what do they have to confess so much? She was wearing black skinny jeans too,but ripped on the knees,some boots and black shirt,why does she always wears black?
"Why is it you are wearing black clothes everytime,did someone die or something?"I tried to joke but when I looked at her tears were on her cheeks,her eyes puffy and cheeks red.
"Just ready for your funeral."She said through her teeth and stormed out from the hall,ran in her room crying,what did I jsut say like that to make her cry?
"You fucking idiot!"Gray yelled at me.
"What did I say like that?!"I yelled back,ignoring Cameron storming out from her room.
"Her whole family died a week ago!"He shouted at me and went to Avery's room,leaving me speechless.  


First few chapters may be short but I promise it's not all like that,also the next chapter will be cute I promise :)
Please comment what you think and vote if you liked.
Love you.

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