Chapter 16

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Songs to listen in this chapter:

~Wicked Game by James Vincent McMorrow

~Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey

~Bad Moon Rising by Mourning Ritual

~The Big Bang by Rock Mafia ft.Miley Cyrus

Chapter 16

Ethan's P.O.V.

I took her hands in mine and looked in her admirable blue eyes which were just like the ocean behind us and I swear I'd kill everyone who dared to look in them the way i did.
"Ethan.."Her voice brought me back to earth,I stopped staring in her eyes for a moment and smiled lighlty.
"I don't want to start it like a drama and I'll be all a few weeks ago,I heard you and Grayson talking,about something..which included me and I felt confused at first so I tried to ignore it,but then there still were some things that had my attention,and lastly.. when Cam started talking some misunderstanding stuff about your past life..I started to realize something which I'm not sure about yet and I'd like to hear this full story from you."I exactly knew what she was talking about and hoped she would listen and understand everything correctly.
"Avery I don't know if you will understand me is what it is right?I'll tell you what was it all we were arguing and the reason why I had fight with Grayson,it's just.."I was cut off by her lips crashing against mine,which surprised me first but I kissed her back and when we pulled away I saw that it was a kiss of courage.
"It is what it is Ethan."Avery half smiled and I breathed in.
"Yeah..But I don't even know from where to start..I fear I have to start from there where everything started.I'll try to tell you this boring but rather shitty thing as short as possible.
Gray and I always had a really good relationship,since we were and are twins,we always understood eachother perfectly,so I guess that was the reason of our incompatible interests.
When our new school year started,we felt like it was just like other usual ones,but it wasn't.That time we both were 15 and it was the years from where all the teens started drinking,hanging out till the mindight and going to the partys.
One day one of our closest friend Jack,invited us to a party which was different from others,one of the richest kids from the town was in the head of this party and so there would be lots of people and fun-so why not to attend this party?Decided we,and went there,Jack was right,it truly was diffenet from other frat partys,and the main thing,grils..there were plenty of them.
That's where we met Camilè,a year older girl who was hotter than tons of other girls so since we had the same opinions,Gray and I,both liked her.When we asked out a few things about her,we found out that she was in our school, just in a higher grade so that's why we haven't met her before.
Grayson and I never fought before her,but after meeting her and getting her know better,we fought all the time and when Camlè admitted that she liked me,Grayson and I became like strangers.As I already informed you Grayson liked her too but Camilè was with me and now he had to back off and of course everyone in our house observed that something changed between us but we didn't say a word.
As time was passing,I was changing and all because of her,she wasn't like everyone thought,a hot chick with a perfect life.Camilè was a drug addict and I of course knew it,because she was my girlfriend already and we did everything together,which included drugs too..
I would stay out all night in some shitty places and spend time with her and people like her until my mind was disunited.By that time I had already turned 16 and got my first few tattoos,I became meaner and non caring person,I wouldn't appriciate anything what my family did for me and when they tried to get me out from all this shit I refused.
Most of the time I was under the drugs and didn't even care what anyone would say to me,but even when I was sober I stayed the same asshole as I was under the drugs.
After a few month something really bad happened,but at the time that thing made me to go to rehab and return back healthy.
It was a few days ago before my 17th birthday and I did't even feel like having a party because I was wasted and didn't gave a fuck about partys anymore,since my main function then was to take drugs and survive somehow.
So that day I was going to pick Camilè and then go to somewhere shitty place to buy know,so I as usually walked to her house,she lived in a frat house with lots of other people like her..I mean us..drug addicts..and iff I can call it a house at all..anyway I went there and walked up straight in her room,because when I asked about her the answer was that she was in her room all day.
I knocked at her door and waited for a few seconds,then knocked again and when nobody answered,I opened the door with myself but Camilè wasn't there.
I decided to call her,when I did,I heard the phone ringing from the bathroom,which was weird and I decided to check it.
Uh..god help everyone whoever will ever have to see that kind of picture in their whole lives..when I opened the bathroom door I saw Camilè there lying on the bathroom floor,unconsciously..I bent down to touch her but her body was still and cold as ice,I turned her to face me and I saw a bloody needle in her arm..
Suddenly a freezing wind blew in my body,I let her body go and it fell on the floor again,my mind blotted out,I froze and stopped breathing once I realized what has happened.I would call an emergency but it was too late,way too late and nobody could help in that moment,she was already gone..
The examination after her death showed that the reason of her death was overdosing,but I knew it before..After that a few weeks passed and I was half dead,because I didn't came out from my room,didn't eat anything and did drugs all the time,I was going crazy ,when Cam or mum knocked on my door I begged them to leave me alone and never let anyone in.
One day I heard the knock that was like the ones I heard everyday but this time it was Grayson,after a year and a few month being silent towards me,he decided to talk to me and surprisingly I let him in,the truth is that without his support I would be hell knows where today,he helped me to go through all that shit and made me to go to rehab center and after 6 month of reabilitation,I was out of it and started my life from a new chapter.
Everything just came back in it's place and I went back to being normal teen boy and graduated from school and came here in England,in University of London,to be honest this was Gray's dream,to continue studying here so I agreed him to go in London and since cam lived here our parents decided that it would be easier for us to live together because Cam's hpuse was big anyways and ther ewould space for all of us.
I always had friends of just people whom I knew here coming out from my job which you still don't know that I work in a financial company and have contacts in other countries..So here I bought some cocaine because it helps me to work better and just helps my mind with functioning,but I swear I only take it in extreme situations and only 3,5 percent,that's what my body can take without any harm and Gray saw it in my he thought I was back to the old habits and that's why we fought Avery.
And when he mentioned you he thought that I would kind of..made you to take drugs with me,like it happened in Camilè's case.."I finished speaking and sighed heavily because of exaustion after talking this much.
I didn't even dare to look at Avery just because I was too afraid of her reaction and kept my eys closed,but when I heard her voice,I came back to life.
"It's hard to process this much.."She whispered and the familiar feeling of fear still returned in my body,I hated it.
"Avery..the roads I've walked before had demons beneath,I don't expect you to understand everything and to be with a person like me,but there still is one thing I haven't told to anyone and hardly admitted with myself too."I told her and waited for her responce,she lightly smiled and looked down.

"What is it?"

"Avery I love you."


I expect comments from all of you,so please comment what you think!Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter and dm me for any questions you have😊❤
Love you.

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