Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I parked my car in the front yard of my house,not realizing how I got here.
My whole mind was defunctionalized,my back was burning from my new tattoo but right now I could care less,not my back,but my heart was in pain.
I still didn't belive how could Ethan say such things,how could he have been so cruel to me,I didn't do anything wrong.
When I said to him that I thought something was going on between us,he acted like nothing was happening the whole time when we were together and spent time,he just laughed at me like I was some 12 years old girl crushing on him!
He forgets that I have feelings and I'm sorry if it happen somehow that I do like him.A lot.
But I won't let him play those sick games with me and treat me like that.
I was crying the whole time while I was driving but now my cheeks were dry and I didn't feel anything just like old times when someone,to be exact my parents, would do a terrible thing to me and then I would cry and cry the whole time but after crying I always realized that I couldn't change anything that already happened and it was just a waste of time to cry,that I already was damaged and I became like this,heartless and cold but when Ethan came in my life,I felt something differently and my feelings just felt alive again,I could still hear my heartbeat and I could still be happy but he ruined it for me.
I'm sorry that I fell for him,I'm sorry that I didn't realize this wasn't right and I'm sorry that I was happy for a few times but I won't apologize for the monster I've become,no one ever apologized for making me this way.
I hated when I was alone,that time my thoughts were always killing me and I thought about everything that could or couldn't have happened. By that time I was thinking about terrible things and once I even wanted to commit a suicide,I remember that days so clear..


I was out alone,was walking in the park and enjoying the day,I took out my phone from my pocket and checked my social medias like Facebook,Instagram and Twitter,there was nothing important,just some internet friends I had there,news from them,messages and friend requests.
I approved all not caring who were they and chatted with them a little,then I turned off my phone and shoved it back in my pocked.
The day was getting cold and even though I loved weather like this,I wasn't dressed properly,my shorts and tank top weren't covering my body and I started to feel cold.
I decided to walk back home,the park was close to it anyways,my heart clenched when I say my father's car in the yard,it was not the right time for him to be home,he must have been in his company,I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Eddie opened it and greeted me with a bright smile,I bent down and took him up in my hands,I kissed his cheeks and put him down.
I entered the hall,my mom was there, sitting with a strange expression on her face.
"I'm back."I said nervously.
"Uhm where's dad?"I asked her trying to be nice.
"I'm here."I heard a strict voice behind me,he just entered the house.
"What's up?Is something wrong?"I asked them again,I had a strange feeling inside of me but I tried my best to ignore it.
"Did you have a nice time outside?"Asked my father with his usual voice,which had no emotion in it.
"Is something wrong?"I asked them again nervously.
"I said did you have a nice time outside?"He asked again bitterly,I felt chills in my back,knowing something had happened.
"Yeah.."I murmured and sat on the couch.
"Good."He said through his teeth and I bit my lip.
"Eddie,go watch some cartoons."Sais my mother and sent him upstairs.
"So,you had a nice time right?I couldn't say the same about me."I started to shiver because of his cold tone.
"You have left your computer switched on."I heard my mother say and my face instantly fell at her words,how could I have I?I remember that I switched it off.
"What do you mean?"I asked my voice shaking.
"We saw it,we saw all your bullshit little bitch."
Oh no.
God tell me that I'm dreaming.
Not my diary.
Please not that!
"What?You had the nerve to go through in my computer and see everything?How could you?That's my personal affair!"I screamed,still shocked about their behaviour.
I knew keeping a personal diary wasn't a good idea,not to mention writing every detail of my life there,now I feel lifeless,when I remember these freaks know everything.
"You have been writing awful things behind our back,the words I didn't even want to repeat!"Gregor yelled and my tears rolled on my cheeks.
"No dad!I still can't belive how could you do that to me?You had the chance and congratulations you used it pretty well!"I yelled back and that was when I felt the burn in my face,he slapped me.
"You little bitch!You were talking to all your crazy internet friends about some shitty boybands and saying disgusting words and may I mention your sick diary you keep and the miserable things you wrote in there!"He yelled again.
I didn't know what was it but it was clear he hit me the first thing that he took in his hands.
I curled up like a ball and tried to hide from him,like a 5 year old would do.He continued to hit me again and again,I saw my blood all over my tank top,my lips and nose were bleeding,I licked my lips and felt the taste of my blood.
"I will teach you what is right and what not!"He was yelling and breaking things in his way.
He shouted at me terrible things,not to mention my mom who was calling me bitch,I didn't want to hear those words so I covered my ears.
Every time he hit me I could breath less and finally when he hit me once more,I passed out.

When I woke up,I was on the floor in the darkness,I got on my feet and turned the light on,I went in the kitchen and drank some water.
I guess they left and went out like they did every night,they took Eddie too,since I was all alone in this house.
I went back in the hall,my computer was broken,torn in pieces,same to my phone.
I sighed and decided to go upstairs.
That was when I heard a knock on the door,I guess they're back.
I opened the door,furrowing my brows when I saw a police officer.
"Hello,you must be Avery Williams,I'm here to let you know the news you wouldn't be happy to hear,I'm so sorry Miss Williams but I have to tell you that your family got in a terrible and a massive car accident,five cars were damaged seriously,three others were all burn and one of them was the car your dad owned.I'm sorry but it was impossible to save your family."Said he,I opened my mouth to say something but I was speechless.
" little brother..where is he?"I managed to ask him the only wuestion that bothered me.
"I'm so sorry Miss but he was with them,we couldn't save him either.."I didn't hear the rest of what he said,I told him to leave me,acted like mad,I closed the door in his face and ran in Eddie's room,hugging his bad like I was hugging him.
I couldn't realize what just happened,I never have imagined that this would happen to me one day,the only one I cared about was little Eddie,it was their fault,if they wouldn't have took out with them he would be here sleeping on this bad.
My tears were falling down like a river and the bed was all wet,I passed out unconciously for the second time this day.

End of Flashback.

The sky was dark and when I checked the time on my phone it said 9pm,I have probably fallen asleep on the couch.
I got up and went out from the house,I decided to have a little walk.
I walked a few streets,it was starting to rain.
I could hear the thunder and it was already raining heavily when I opened the huge metal door of cemetary.I made my way towards the grave where my family were buried.
I saw the heavy stones with their names on it,I kneeled down on the place where Eddie was.
"I miss you Eddie,I miss your little hands wrapping around my neck and comforting me."I said with my voice shaking.
I looked at the places where my parents were buried,I smiled bitterly.
"I do feel bad for you,I really do feel bad about would be poor of me to say terrible things about you now when you are not alive but when I remember what you did to me..I spit on your graves!"I whispered-yelled and turned on my heels leaving the graveyard emotionless,making my way towards my house.
When I walked back,I saw that the door was half open,I was scared at the feeling that somebody was in there.
I took a step towards the door,quietly stepping and looking in the hall.
I let out a heavy sigh when I saw a dark figure on my couch,instantly recognizing him.
I turned the lamp and went closer to him,he looked up at me,his tank top was torn and he had blood all ovee his body.
Ethan had a bottle of whiskey in his hands and a swollen lip,which was bleeding.
I was terrified at the view of him like this,he was drunk,it was clear and he probably got in a fight which was more clear.
He was breathing heavily,I kneeled in front of him,not realizing what was I doing.
I took his face in my hands,his eyes were bloodshot and wet,was he crying?My heart dropped.
My body was fighting with my mind,but my heart beat them both and this was when his lips met mine like ice would meet fire,like he was the cure of everything right now,I kissed him like he was the air and I couldn't breath.


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