Chapter 3

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Avery's P.O.V.

He is such a dick!I hate him,how can be so cruel?!This is too much,too fucking much.I hate when I cry in front of someone,he just made me to,total heartless asshole.
"Ave..Avery please open the door."I heard Grayson mutter,how can they be twins and be so different,I mean Grayson has such a big heart,he is so caring and cute,but his own twin is just a heartless punk,an asshole who is doing nothing but getting on my nerves!
I unlocked the door,wiping my tears from my eyes,Grayson didn't even look at me normally,he immediately wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
I was so thankful for him,I have known him for two days and I already count him as a bestfriend.
''Hey don't worry about him,he didn't know about your family,I'm sorry for his behaviur."Gray whispered and kissed me on the forhead.
"He didn't know?But I bet if he knew he would just make worse comment about it."I said trying not to break down again in front of someone.
"I will talk to him,make sure he won't be such an asshole next time."He smiled and I hugged him again.
"Thank you Gray."
"I'll go,you should get some rest,maybe have a walk another time."I smiled at him and nodded,he left and I laid on a bed,killing the saddness and emptyness inside of me as always.
In a second or two,I heard Grayson and Ethan yelling at each other,for a moment I felt bad for Ethan being clueless about my family but I remembered that he is an asshole and didn't even hesitate to think that I was right in what I said to Grayson.
I checked my phone it was 9pm,I didn't have anything to do,so I grabbed the copy of "Wuthering Heights" and started reading,for the thousands time,this was one of my favorite from the novels.
I loved reading since I was still a small kid and I'd always read when I was in a bad mood and it helped,I loved how reading could help me,escape from this terrible world,forget everything around.
I closed the book when I heard a knock on the door.
"Uhm Can I come in?"A voice spoke,I knew it was Ethan,yes him and Grayson both had a husky voice and were simmilar but Ethan's voice was deeper.
I still felt anger towards him,why is he even here to make my life even worse with his bitter comments?
"What could you possibly want?"I hissed as he opened door,bitting his lip.
I don't know if he is a good actor or is really feeling nervous.
"I..wanted to talk to you."He muttered and closed the door.
"Talk about what?Me wearing all black?"I smiled bitterly.
"Look I didn't know.."He started but I cut off.
"But if you knew you would have made your comment even worse right?But guess what Ethan?I'm not going to be all miserable with your poor treatment!"I whisper-yelled at the end.
"No Avery.."He said again.
"Oh don't you remember I am Avril or some shit."I continiued bitching,I don't care anymore.
"Just fucking hear me out!"He raised his voice."Shit!I didn't mean to..I had no idea about..your family and I am sorry okay?I am not that terrible as you think.."He almost whispered and I could see he was really sorry but I wasn't sure if he was honest.
"Did you hear me Ave?"He asked worried.
"Yes,I am not deaf,but for you I maybe am."I looked away.
"And please don't call me Ave,that's for my friends and..well now only for my friends since I have no family members."I was fighting with this god damned tears but it was useless,I broke down again.In front of him.
"Ave please.."He came closer to me and tried to hug me but I jerked away.
"Fuck it Avery!I am trying to apologize okay?I have never ever apologized to anyone in my whole life and I am saying that I really,truly am sorry for my words,I admit it that I was playing on your nerves the other times but this was not what I meant and wanted..I can show you that I can be a good person,just please don't resist me."He said his voice shaking,I was shocked from his words,I didn't really know how to feel about him,was he really this sorry?I think he was.I hope at least.
"Hug me?"He said,smiling a bit,I smiled back and hugged him,I hope he really feels sorry and I will forgive him.
"So I ruined our walk session,I think it still is not late to make it up?"Ethan smiled. "I guess so."I smiled back and we went out from the room,Cameron and Grayson were in the kitchen,so we just left quietly and walked down the street.
"So where are we going?"I asked Ethan.
"I'm taking you to my favourite place,don't worry it is not far."He smirked and put his arm on waist and pulled me closer.
I couldn't resist the feeling I had right now,shivers went down my waist,so I just put my head on his shoulder and a smell of cologne and cigarette filled my nostrills,it was so good.
"We're here."Said Ethan when we stopped in front of a large skyscraper,I looked confused at him,this was some huge company but what were we doing here?
"I don't think we are allowed in there."I giggled and he smirked.
"We'll see."He took my hand in his and headed in the front door.
"Hey Pat."He said to a man who was probably a security member of this building.
"Hi bud."He smiled at Ethan and opened the door.
"You know him?" I asked surprised by what I just saw.
"Yup,now the whole building is ours."He smiled,why was he doing this?
"But we don't need the offices,we only need the roof."
"Oh no!I probably misanderstood!"I said loudly,no way I am going up there,I am too damn scared of heights.
"C'mon babe,don't be afraid."He took my hand on his big hands.
"Ethan I'm afraid of heights!And we're going now on the I don't even know which floor is this?"I almost screamed,he kept laughing.
"21st."Now we were on the last floor,damn it Ethan!I can't look from here.
"The roof is made out of glass are you kidding me?It can break any time!"I was so scared when he dragged me onto the roof.
"Calm dawn Avery,it is a thick ass glass and it won't break trust me."He was holding me with my waist when I was going to look from the top of the building but my hands were covering my face,I was too damn afraid to look.
He gently took my hands from my face and hugged me from the back to feel safe,his lips were now touching my neck,shivers went up and down my body.
"Don't be afraid,learn to fight against your fears."He whispered close to my ear,I could barely breathe.
"And if we just lay down here and pretend we're in the sky,we can see all the stars."He said and we laid on the glass which I was afraid would break any minute.
"The moon..was always my favourite from the solar system."He giggled and I swear this was the most amazing voice I have ever heard.
"Mine always were the sun and stars."I told him and turned my head,he was looking at me the whole time.
I could see his beautiful hazel eyes looking straight into mine,his glare could break my glasses.
I almost lost my mind when suddenly I saw him on the top of me.
Hi gently took my glasses off and put them on the glass roof,he slowly pulled down,his lips were touching the tip of my nose.
"You know you have a cute nose."He said and I giggled.
"And even cuter when you smile."I could not process what was happening.
"I really want to kiss you Ave,I'm so sorry I was such an asshole."
"Don't worry about it,I already forgot it."I smiled as his lips crashed on to mine.
My heart stopped beating,I couldn't breath,chills went down through my body.His lips were so warm and plump.
When he pulled away from me,he had a smile on his face,I started to blush.
"Why are you blushing Avery?"He asked me as if he didn't know why it was.
"Can I tell you something and you won't laugh?"I asked him shyly for what I was going to say,he nodded.
"Promise."He said with a serious look on his face.
"This was my first kiss."I said in a low voice and hid my face into his chest.
I could now feel his heartbeat lowered,he took my face in his big hands and kissed me again.
"And this was second."I laughed and he joined,I wish we could stay like this forever,but it started to rain.
"Well we better go if we don't want to have cold tomorrow."I told him and we quickly ran from the roof,took the elevator and said bye to the Pat guy.
"But it's the middle of July we can't get a cold."Said Ethan when we were walking on our way home.
"Oh my god your lips are turning blue,you are cold!"Ethan looked at my shivering lips.
" nott."I shivered and laughed,he took his shirt off,holy shit I'm not cold anymore!
"Wear this,you'll be less cold."I laughed and put in his shirt which was way bigger for me.
"But you will have a cold now."I furrowed my brows.
"Don't worry about me."He said and ran.
"Oh you think I can't run?"I shouted and chaised him,damn he was a good runner,even though I was practicing in running for the past 2 years.
"Eth stop!"I screamed and stopped
"What?"He seemed surprised.
"I said stop,I..can't run anymore."My chest was going up and down.
"No Ave,you called me Eth."He said smirking,I relized this just now.
"Don't hide your face."He came close to me and hugged me,then he kissed me again for the third time this evening but now in the middle highway,raining heavily around.His phone rang and we pulled away from the kiss.
"I swear to god if you did something to Avery I will fucking kill you."I heard Cameron cursing through the phone and laughed loudly,Ethan covered my mouth.
"Then be ready because I just pushed and threw her from the bridge,straight into the river."He said seriously.
"She's probably dead now,sorry Cam."And by that Ethan hung up.
"Ethan!"I laughed and told him to run,so we could get at the house quickly.
"Cam?"I yelled when we entered the house,we were completely wet,soaked.
"Fuck you Ethan."She said and playfully hit him on the arm.
"Where were you anyway?"
"Walking?"I said like a question,Grayson came out from the kitchen with a confused look on his face,I swear when Grayson and Cameron are together they are always in the kitchen eating the whole food.
"Well we better change right?"Said Ethan and we made our way to our rooms.
I quickly turned the hot water on and took my soaked clothes and Ethan's shirt off,the hot water was just a relief.
I washed my body and my hair and turned the hot water off,wrapped the towel and went back to the bedroom,putting pants and a baggy shirt.
I couldn't stop thinking about what happened tonight with Ethan,how was it possible that he was so nice and..different,he normally didn't act like this towards me.
I guess he really isn't that bad as I thought and when he apologized he really was sorry I saw it.
But the kiss?Did it mean something to him?Did he felt like I did?
These kind of thoughts dissapiared when I fell asleep thinking about a rude,yet sweet boy who just stole my first kiss.


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