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[a/n: thank you all so much for 2 fucking k reads 😳 i know that may not seem a lot to you guys but to me it is and i really appreciate it! all the love as always x]

September 6th, 1997

It was little Harry's first day in kindergarten and he was as nervous as can be. He kept running around the house, his mother Anne couldn't get him to sit still and eat his bowl of cereal for breakfast for only a few minutes. He kept asking every two minutes: "Momma, when does kindergarten start? Will they be nice to me? Can I have pasta for lunch? Did you pack my teddy bear?" And of course Anne, being the fabulous mother she is, answered his questions every single time with the patience of an angel, and when it was finally eight o'clock, they left for the little one's first day.
When they arrived at the local kindergarten only five minutes away from their house, there were already kids saying goodbye to their mothers, playing outside or blabbering to each other.
Harry passed through the gates with his mother's hand in his own small one and suddenly didn't want to go to kindergarten anymore. He was scared of all the kids he didn't know and they seemed so much bigger and older than him... He wished he'd stayed at home with Anne, playing with one of his new dinosaurs, maybe baking cookies and just having fun. He started crying when he realised his mother would leave now and he'll have to stay here with all these unknown kids and without his lovely Momma.
Luckily, Anne noticed his eyes getting watery and all teared up, and she cooed at him: "Aww Harry, my baby, don't cry! You don't have to be afraid, they'll all be nice to you and you'll have a lot of fun today, I'm sure. I'll pick you up in the late afternoon and - if you're behaving well today here - we'll go shopping and you even get to pick a new dinosaur, okay? Love you bub", and with that, she pecked his small forehead, patted his curls and left for work.
Harry stopped crying as soon as the kindergarten woman came up to him, kneeling down in front of him and asking him: "Hi cutie, you must be Harry, right? You have beautiful curls! And your eyes... and is that a dinosaur in your rucksack? How cool is that! Do you want to show it to the other kids? I'm sure they'll want to play with you with your dinosaur!"
Little Harry just nodded shyly, took his dinosaur and his teddy bear (it was called "bear", he couldn't think of a better name and he thought it fits the bear pretty well) and sat down in a corner, not wanting to interrupt the older kids. They still looked scary to him. They must've been around four or even five years old, and he was only three! Practically still a baby... at least that was what the older kids at the playground said all the time.
Harry cuddled with his teddy, trying hard not to be too sad about being all by himself with no Momma Anne around, when he suddenly heard a high-pitched voice, and it was the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard. "Hi, are you new here?", the voice squeaked. "I'm Louis, I'm almost five and I'm already a big boy!", the beautiful voice continued.
Harry looked up, and there stood a pretty small boy with ocean blue eyes and feathery golden brown hair. He smiled friendly and stuck out his hand for Harry to shake, who accepted it gratefully. He stuttered, "I'm H-Harry, and I'm only three. B-But I can a-already c-c-count to five! And... and... t-that's my teddy bear. His name's 'bear'. N-nice to meet you, Louis!"

And that's how little Harry and little Louis became friends. From September 6th 1997 on, they were practically inseparable. They shared food, rooms, toys, clothes and even their first kiss - which happened when Harry was 8 and Louis was 10, they were curious but it wasn't nice at all, they thought. It was sloppy, but full of love. If only they'd known...

dear harry | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now