s i x t e e n

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July 4th, 2016

Dear Harry,

When I'm away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost back on 6th street

I can't do this anymore. Your mom called today, sobbing, declaring it your last day on earth. She finally told me where you are. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it in time to you. But I just couldn't rush to hospital only to see the love of my life laying there lifeless, fighting with death. I'm so sorry that our last words to each other were how much we hated each other right now. If I could only turn back time...
I just wanted to end it all, but then you called. And it fits perfectly to the last lyrics of my song to you (oh by the way, it's called photograph).
At first, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the caller ID on my phone. It said "Hazza" and I thought my heart is going to stop beating. When I picked up, I only heard you whisper (I suppose you were too weak to talk properly):
"I'm so sorry, Lou. So, so sorry. You didn't deserve all the bullshit I gave you. I wrote you a letter as well, I hope you'll understand one day why I did it this way. I love yo-"
And then there was this loud, steady beeping in the background.
I knew that the love of my life was gone forever. I didn't know why, though. But I did know, that I couldn't live another day without you.

Hearing you whisper through the phone
Wait for me to come home.

Lou x

P.S.: Mom, please tell the girls and Ernie that I'm sorry. I just couldn't live another day without him. I need him so bad. I'll watch you from above.
I love you all. You made my life without him as good as it could be.

dear harry | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now