f o u r t e e n

424 29 0

June 5th, 2016

Dear Harry,

It's been over a month now that you're somewhere only you know and I have to admit that my memories of you are fading. Your clothes don't smell like you anymore, I can't exactly recall what your voice sounds like and I dream less of you. You're still present every second of my life, but it's slowly fading. Please respond to me soon, I'm slowly dying. I can't do this without you any longer.

And if you hurt me
Well that's okay baby only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me and I won't ever let you go.
Wait for me to come home.

I miss you. I love you. I hope you didn't forget me... And I'm sorry for bothering you. I know you don't want to read these letters, but I also know you probably know every single one by heart.

Lou x

dear harry | larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now