Kissing tears

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You're alive somehow.

But you're not....alive.

You've been in a coma for 2 whole days since you were submitted in.

After your "death", leaf jonnin showed up with the Hokage.

Apparently a leaf jonnin who was going on a mission saw the scene and left to get help.

During the rushed journey back, Tsunade stopped the bleeding and patched everything until they go to the hospital.

You were submitted and eventually you were stabilized.

Shikamaru would pace, cry or sit whislt fiddling with his fingers.

But he's here now.

Right by your side.

The mecial ninja, inlcuding Sakura and Tsunade have no idea when you were gonna wake up.

Shikamaru looked at you.

You're still heavy connected to equipment and tubes.

'She looks so fragile...I've never seen her like this before..'

He doesn't know when you're gonna wake up.

You might never.

He slowly loses hope as he lays his head on your stomach and sobs.

His hand firmly grips yours.

Shikamaru repeats your name over and over again.

He loves your name.

He loves how it effortlessly rolls off his tongue and he loves the way it sounds.

He loves you.

But you can't love him back.

But you do.

So you follow his voice and open your eyes to the blinding light.

You feel something heavy on your stomach and look at a thin figure with a ponytail.

Something's holding your hand.

Something warm and it's almost squeezing your hand.

So you squeeze back with what little strength you had.

You hear a gasp and the head pops up and looks at you.

"Shikamaru..." your voice comes out raspy and weak.

There's a mix of joy, sadness and just plain, satisfied on Shikamaru's face.

You lick your dry lips and muster a "hey"

He quickly leans down and embraces you tightly, sobbing into your shoulder and incoherent apologys. 

You hug him as tight as you could which wasn't much but you were glad Shikamaru was there anyways.

He pulls back, sniffling and wiping his eyes.

" troublesome, crying in front of a girl."

You smile and lean up, kissing his tears.

He looks at you, a light pink showing on his cheeks.

He wipes his eyes and sniffs again.

What happened next, you'd never expect from Shikamaru Nara.

Your eyes widened as you felt a pair of surprisingly soft lips against your own.

He pulls back with a blush that would put Hinata to shame.

The clouds silently pass by while I'm screaming your name(Shikamaru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now