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    It had been a long night. After finally tracking down and taking Madison back from his kidnappers, he and his companions were all getting some well deserved rest.

     Suddenly, at around 2 o'clock in the morning, Hamilton was awoken, by a weak and tired, yet, somehow, panicked knocking at his door.

     He got up, stretching his arms with a deep yawn, then opened his door.

   "Yes?" he slurred tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

   "A-Alexander....?" A soft, weak voice replied, melting the young writer's heart. It was Madison.

   "Madison..." Hamilton breathed, his heart thumping against his ribcage, "Is everything alright?" Hamilton still, of course, felt responsible for Madison's disappearance, and hated himself for it.
How could he have put one of his most trusted companions in harm's way?

   "I h-had a nightmare..." the shorter man whimpered, trembling slightly, "May I sleep with you... Please?"

    Normally, Hamilton would've said no out of the sheer embarrassment of thinking about sleeping with another man, but since he felt so sorry for his fellow founding father, and it WAS James, he nodded and mumbled, "Of course, come right in."

   Madison walked into Hamilton's room, and Hamilton turned on his bedside lamp in order to see what was going on. He didn't know why, but he felt something was off about Madison. Call it intuition.

  In the warm glow of the table lamp, he studied his old friend's face. He was pale; much paler than he usually was, and Madison was ALWAYS pale.

   "James, are you quite alright?" Hamilton inquired, showing great concern towards the smallest founding father.

   James nodded unconvincingly, which only caused Alexander to worry more for him.

   "Are you sure?" he asked, stepping closer,his brows furrowing with a sort of affectionate concern.

   As James looked up at the blue-eyed man to assure him he was really fine, his breath hitched. In the soft, warm glow of the lamp light, Alexander, wig-less and hair unkempt from sleep, looked quite handsome. James, being in just his pajamas, as well, suddenly felt quite naked in the company of his trusted friend, and his cheeks flushed a light pink as his heart skipped a beat, his pupils dilating.

   "James? Are you listening to me?" Hamilton snapped a few times, attempting to grasp at Madison's attention.

    "Uh... Huh..." James nodded half-heartedly before he, without single warning, collapsed to the floor.

     "James?!" Alexander cried out, acting fast and catching the frail man before his fragile body hit the floor. He quickly carried Madison to the bed, then knelt by his side, gently taking the small man's hand in both of his, his blue eyes pooled with concern.

    Suddenly, Madison began to stir. His eyes fluttered open and he turned his head towards a visibly relieved Hamilton.

    "James," he sighed with relief, "You're awake...."

   " Alex..." the smaller man practically whispered, "Come closer..."

    "Hmm?" Hamilton tilted his head slightly with confusion, "Why?"

     "... Just do it, please."

      "... Alright." Alexander leaned in closer, only to to have his lips claimed passionately by James. He froze with shock, but then slowly began to melt into the kiss, soon enough kissing the smaller man back with the same amount of passion. Eventually, James pulled back.

    "I love you," he whispered.

    "I love you, too."

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