Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Your POV

"She is your what?!? Hiccup practically yelled.

"She is my sister."

"Wait, lemme get this straight, your (Y/N) Hofferson."

"Yea and we were best friends remember?"

"yea. I missed you." he said giving me a very light hug well he hugged me the best he could.

"Why didn't you know the gang then?" he asked me.

"You all have grown up so much and I didn't recognize you. But I did recognize you, Mr. Haddock." I said smirking.

"(Your Nickname) please don't.  Just no."

"why not!" I complained. He turned around to me and I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"You know that doesn't work on me." He said turning around. I quietly tried to sit up but I obviously couldn't. "don't try to sit up, it won't help your back."

"I know I know"

"then why did you try it then,"

"oh shut up."

We soon got to Berk and Hiccup picked me up and carried me to his house. In there, the 'gang' and Gothi were sitting waiting for me. We all went up to Hiccup's room. He then laid me onto his bed and stepped back for Gothi to look at me. Once she was done, she then left me be and everyone then got to know each other. Soon after, the gang went to the Great Hall and Hiccup stayed behind to take care of me. He brought me fish and a cup of yak milk and sat down. I gulped down the milk he spoke up saying, "Do you think we can be like best friends? again" he said rubbing the back of his neck with a splatter of blush painted on his cheeks. "yes I do! do you not have any best friends?" I said as I started to eat my fish. "well like anymore?"

"no just friends and a girlfriend."

"A What?!?"

"A girlfriend and you a- happen to a- be super close with her."

"Wait? Astrid?!?"

"Yea," he said his face turning bright red.

We sat there in awkward silence as I kept eating and Hiccup just sat there looking at the wall. "Well I better get going to uh see uh Astrid. Got to go bye!" he said and raced out of the room. I sat there finishing my fish and sat the plate to the side and laid my head down and fell into a light sleep.

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